Month: December 2007

  • An ode to matter-of-fact

    This is an ode to matter of fact, in fact,
    a poem like evidentiary stone and stat.

    For one plus one is two, not three,
    nor four or five, not twelve, indeed.
    Yet, far from mathematic postulations
    a soft and chewy sap awaits you.

    A fact — In core of belly it sits and stays
    your course along a rocky plain or
    maybe through clear, already trodden path
    your feet, no matter, will eat their grass.

    And if along the way that path does stray,
    your course, with force of will,
    shall tumble trees and shatter shale.
    What makes this “matter of fact” is inner still

    “It is what is”, a need, a must,
    a “way it goes.” It thrusts
    from nock to tip, the target knows.
    Your life in sight, to loose, is right.

    Some may ask “what is”, “what might”
    You disregard their shallow sight.
    Can light escape universal grip?
    Do elk or emu fret and flick?

    I am what I am, no ands ifs or buts.
    I do what I do, no quips or bumps.
    Like one and one is two not fifteen
    I do what I do, matter of fact, I’m me.

  • Citizenship

    If countries put as much effort into Citizenship as Companies put into performance reviews, maybe there would be 100% citizen participation.

    Canada needs an HR department.

    I’ve been talking with classmates who don’t get the point of Goals setting and value statements. All the stuff that every corporate machine goes through: Annual review, quarterly updates with your manager, progress reports. Everything that connects the employee’s to the business.

    Then the tough occurred, that all these tools are to connect each employee and “try” to make them “care” and participate in the company. What if tax time was more then “taxes”. What if it was also a performance review of citizenship?

    What are your goals as a citizen?
    Have you succeeded in meeting those goals?

    Maybe based on our goals and the success of helping the countries goals, each citizen could get a bonus?

    Maybe some sort of success multiplier?