Bye bye Digg Reader

Another rss reader is biting the dust.

Digg Reader if shutting down on March 26, 2018. Bummer, we know. Export and
download your feeds ad folder from and you can add those to
another reader product. Don’t worry! you can grab your feeds after Reader is gone.

Ok – where to next?

Going pinboard

I miss the old Yes, they have fumbled through the ownerships and are still running, but not the same. Maybe it’s a vintage thing. I am 40, with a child on the way, I guess that’s what you do.

I’ve gone to Pinboard.




And Like posts – I know I’ve bookmarked things between 2014 and now. Maybe I’ll see if I can find those too.

For now feel free to follow there, or just look at the new Finds page.

Science Fiction should be far fetched

Most of the Sci Fi I watch now, I think…

“Ya – I can see that happening.”

Black Mirror has done too good of a job at laying out the plausible.

Even after watching Altered Carbon.

I still don’t think most is that far fetched. And I think it should be.

I’ve seen glimpses that surprised me. Yet still – I’m thinking in my grand
children’s time, maybe.

Maybe I’ve been watching too much…

Maybe I can’t watch the kind of Sci Fi that I’m looking for.

I’ve been sitting on the genre sidelines too long. Time to pick up some books.

I’ll let you know how it goes.