• Anyone else?

    Came across a nice application of Google Suggest-like drop down. Take a look and this dictionary.

    However it does make me a little urked. Not friken mad, but mildly concerned. Because when Google does it, the world follows suit. Why? There code isn’t out in left field. This isn’t a ground breaker by far. Turn off javascript and it’s broken. It makes me wonder if they are they really built this from scratch, or has google just jumped on the regurgitation bandwagon. Sure, it could have been them. They are, after all, a bunch of smart cookies, but common. So, I’ll ask my question out to the universe, who did it first? And while you’re at the act of answering, maybe you could answer who’s doing it better?

  • So, Where’s The Wiki?

    Well I thought it was time for another change. I’m always on the lookout for new things. I go back and forth from wiki to blog to wiki tp blog again. Well this time I think I’m going to stick with the blog, at least for my main stuff. Sure, I’m keeping the wiki, it’s just not at the beginning. I’m even giving it it’s own address soon (wiki.whoisnick.com)

    Now there are countless reasons for me going back to the blog world, here are just a few of them

    1. Categories – categorizing isn’t that hard in the wiki format, it’s just for how I wanted my bliki to look and function. It would mean spending countless ours getting up to speed and trying to make the format and code work. Why do it when the wheel has already been invented.
    2. Layout – trying to get the layout in my head, online while keeping to the conforms and code of the wiki, well, it just wasn’t matching. Again, Why do it when the wheel has already been invented.
      Comments – sure with a wiki people can add their own comments, but it’s just not as nice as with blogging software.
    3. WordPress – enter wordpress. I’be been looking around for a blogging solution to what I want, plus one that’s expandable with my skills. Introducing WordPress. They seem to have it all, plus I can hosting it on my own hosting. Easy Peasy!

    With the categorization I should be able to put more organization into whatever posts I’m doing. Who knows, with any time I might actually have some readership? Here’s a start to the new year!

  • They Like Me. They Really Really Like Me

    I don’t know who they are, but I’m sending out a nice thank you to the 3 people who thought my collection of poems were good enough to purchase. Sure it’s been a couple of months since I submitted 4 copies, but considering the competition on the shelves I’m pretty stoked about that. So to the universe I scream, thank you!

    I have a thought that’s purple
    Well, it’s more purple with orange swirls
    It’s kinda Happy
    It’s kinda Angry
    It’s like daisies in the spring
    and Bears in the winter

  • Moinmoin Days 20041210

    Just coding coding coding. Keep coding coding coding. That seems to be the only thing I’m doing lately. It takes thousands upon thousands of lines of code to get to the point where I want to be. It’s like a mountain climber looking at a mountain that’s just that little bit too high. This kind of mountain is definitely going to need the rope.
    They say to expand your self by biting off more then you can chew. You need to shoot for the stars because if you only shoot for the end of the road you will always get there and never have to try new things to do so. Well I’m starting to feel the frustration of shooting for the stars. My little project of course is taking longer…way longer then I ever anticipated, but it’s baby steps. The sad thing is I don’t even have anything in the outside world to show my progress. Oh well, I’ll get there.

    Mind you out of all of this turmoil I’ve come to the conclusion that apache mod_rewrite is the coolest thing in the whole wide world. I haven’t even begun and I’m only at the tip of the iceberg, but if you get a chance, give it a shot.

  • Moinmoin Days 20041201

    December blah’s have been hitting. Haven’t really been feeling so hot lately. Not too sure why. I think today is better. Got some things off my shoulders and now I think I’m actually starting to make progress on my little secret site. It’s not really a secret. And for someone who is looking at being out there and open it’s not really a good idea for me not to say anything.

    Well the site is wherestheshow.com it’s going to be an event calendar. Right now it’s not much of anything, but on my localhost it’s starting to come somewhere. Mind you it’s taking forever!! I just need to keep taking in big breathes and remind myself of baby steps. Baby steps. Baby steps.

  • Moinmoin Days 20041125

    I’ve been looking everywhere to see if I can find a decent theme for MoinMoin. I really like the functionality but you can definately tell that It’s build by programmers. I mean there aren’t any nice looking themes. Sure the MoinMoin site itself has the new modern theme, but is it available yet? No, of course not. It’s only going to be available in the newer version. But, still, it’s not going to do what I want. So, I’m here trying to figure out and learn not only python, but also try and figure out how to develop for MoinMoin’s architecture and framework.

    I really should be working on my other projects but my own site is bugging me. Really it should resemble what I want to embody as an entity on the interbaun-baun. I mean, really, it should say I’ve done some design and a bit of programming.

    But one step at a time. I’ve gotten this far with the style. Which surprisingly is better then others I’ve seen out there. Can anyone compete with this theme? Are there any other MoinMoin themes which you think could kick this ones design ass? Anyone, anyone? Buhler?

  • Moinmoin Days 20041117

    No Pressure. Non, what-so-ever. Nope.

    Oh man! This is a little on the tough side. I’m working on my project which will hopefully be a good thing. But I had a personal deadline of having it done 2 days ago! Sure the first day after I was a little upset, but now I’m really cheesed.

    Deadlines are funny things. Especially when I’m the one making and meeting them. It’s tough on you’re own. How do we make and meet our own deadlines. I find it interesting that some are really good at it, and others, namely me, really suck at it. Where does it stem from? How do we meet them?

    It all comes down to urgency. I’m not sure if it’s my past pressurized work place, but I don’t feel it anymore. I know it’s there, and as I look at the bank account and around at my life, I know I should have it but I don’t. I look at friends and family who do, and it comes down to the almost paralyzing feeling they get about urgency. They know it to the bone and it seems almost life and death. Which is what get’s them through and to it.

    How do you engage a level of urgency to ones who don’t feel it or don’t want to? You can’t pretend it’s life and death when it’s not. You can’t pretend the world is going to be blown up to bits and pieces tomorrow when it isn’t. How do you light that kind of fire?

  • Kateri Tegakouita

    I’m going through some of my chicken scratch that I’ve collected in my book of scribbles and came across some poetry. No relevance to anything really, I just liked it.

    Kateri wraps in tight
    Holds with might
    She’s just fine don’t
    mind the sight

    Kateri’s got her quill
    it’s her thrill
    hematic pill
    grisly thrill

    benevolent malignity
    persecuted generosity
    masochistic clemency
    sentimental agony

    Kateri’s got her quill
    it’s her thrill
    push in tight
    it has to be real

  • I’m not saying, I’m just saying

    A common phrase around here is “I’m not saying, I’m just saying”. It’s a moment of expressing yourself and it’s not a moment where anyone needs to really care about what you’re saying. There isn’t even any point to what’s being said. They are sometimes just words spewing out of your mouth. It’s just a moment of steam release, kinda of link Mt. St. Helens. So, this entire post is just that. I’m not saying, I’m just saying.

    With all the lead up you’d probably expect something big, a big fuss and lots of edited @&%$’n language. But you’re not going to. Reason being, what is it that I have to say? I don’t even know. Here I was thinking I’m this person with lot’s of thoughts and ideas, yet when it comes down to it, I’m empty. It could be one of these down moments. You know, when you’re looking around and re-evaluating, but it doesn’t feel like that. Here I am bounding off into a brave new world, and I’m feeling empty. Not like empty as a gas tank, but empty in the brain. I’m working, or think I’m working but time goes by and nothing. Even my blogs. Where is all of this time I wanted to open up go?

    Now, for those who know me, time management has never really been a strong suit of mine, matter of fact any type of organization hasn’t been even remotely close to a skill I have in my bag-o-tricks. I’m one of these big idea, scatter everything to the wind kind of guys. So…needless to say, I’ve got some learning to do.

  • No more new leafs

    It seems that my friend Daniel has made really good point about blogs and their owners,

    I am willing to bet an amount of money proportionate to how important this really
    is, that a greater percentage than the current divorce rate of blog entries are
    not actually about anything worthwhile, but instead are rationalistic rants about
    how, after some time has passed, the author of the blog has “got back on the
    horse” and has decided that this time folks, from now on, he or she promises to
    be good, to write in their blog every day, and that things have just been
    “so hectic” that it’s hard to find the time to contribute.

    And I must confess I am one of them. So here we are. I’m going to stop making
    excuses. I’m going to blog when I blog, and do what I do. It’s easy for us to
    tell us all of these excuses for the things we do and don’t do. Even just
    reading his blog, I found myself trying to come-up with excuses in my mind, well
    screw them. Screw all the excuses.