Month: November 2005

  • No Coffee Enlightenment

    Read an interesting post. Must be the lack of morning coffee and it might be my personal insight into jazz. I
    saw this quote

    “The humble improv”

    Now in turn it seems that I read the quote wrong. The quote is actually from Wynton Marsalis, “The humble
    improve“. However, what I thought the quote was is still true. The humble really do improv.

    In addition to Rajesh’s observation that: “If you lack humility, chances are that you think that you don’t
    need help and may not be OPEN to learning new things which in turn will limit your growth.”, being open to
    learning new things also means being open to falling flat on your ass. Learning is awkward and messy. There
    are times when we get it and fly and others we we bomb and die. In that way it is a lot like jazz improv.

  • You say “88″ and I say “Hello”

    Some call it bastardization; some call it social degradation. I call it evolution. Today I was reading an
    article about the internet savvy Chinese. They have adapted various puns when on the internet. Take ‘88′, to
    us english speaking crackers it’s just a number; even to the formal trained linguist of the orient, it’s a
    number. But not for the text messengers. It turns out ‘8′ is pronounced ba. So put two 8’s together and you
    get ba-ba. Sounds a lot like inky or winky ( or whatever the teletubbies names are) say goodbye right before
    jumping down their trippy little rabbit hole.

    I say good on them. It’s like vulgar language of the 60’s and like the ‘n’ word for Dave Chappelle and rap.
    It’s evolution, it’s word play. There has always been a verbal and written language. Take a look at Carmina
    . A bunch of young teens writing in the formal written
    verse about sex and drugs and alcohol (Gasp!) ? And Shakespeare inventing words that are still used to this day, oh my!

    People need to play with language, they need to experiment and try new things. Hell english alone is one of
    the choppiest, band-aide languages out there. And it’s evolving. And just because people are using it in
    internet slang doesn’t mean it will end up being formal. Do you think for a moment that the common folk of
    the late 1500’s – early 1600’s actually spoke like the play’s? No…but they understood, just like we do now.
    So I say good for them, and good for all of those out there that are pioneers and play with words.

  • Extraordinary about Ordinary

    An interesting point crept up yesterday in The Chrysalis that I had never thought before. I had just finished
    reading my homework, and everyone was taken aback. At the time of reading it, I was moven to shake and even a
    tear or two crept out. I guess, I to, was taken aback by the piece. But, there kicker of it all is while I
    was writing it, it was just something I did. I did not emote the same reactions as reading it nor did it
    really feel all that challenging. It seemed ordinary.

    It brought up an interesting point about our own personal reaction to ordinary. Ordinary are things that we
    know, and things we experience on a regular basis. So often we take things that align perfectly with who we
    are as ordinary. It’s like breathing and blinking, it’s so fundamental to your existence that you might not
    even notice it.

    I believe that everyone has something extraordinary in them, they just have to look for it. So often when I
    sit and look for mine, I’m thinking of things on the end of the spectrum, things that I don’t know yet or
    things I want to know. Those are necessary things to look at, but one can’t forget the in between; the
    ordinary. What are all the things you do in a day? What are the things that you do that come naturally? Maybe
    write an activity log for a few days and see what things are common, and seriously take a moment to look at
    them. Can any of these things be that passion, that extraordinary thing?

  • Change Or Die

    I was reading an article in Fast Company the other day. The article, by the same title, was discussing our
    nature against change. You would think that if you were given the choice to change or die, change would be
    only nature. However, the article goes on say how although all say they want to change, how in truth, few
    ever do. The article triggered a thought into my own dilemma. I can change my bedroom, change the look of my
    site (btw: what do you think?), move to new places, but the fundamental things I want to change, remain the
    same. So how is it that one makes change?

    First, I think you need to have sweet sweet time. Change is never easy, it hurts and sucks. It’s like
    shedding skin. Take a look at every creature that sheds skin. If you could ask them how it’s like to lose
    that layer, I’m sure all of them would take a puff on there smoke and same, “Man, it sucks”. It’s full of
    pain and awkwardness, just take a look at our own puberty process. Everyone knows how bad it really is.

    Second, a really good time machine. You know that feeling of going around, and around in a circle. That
    feeling of chasing your own tail. You think I’m just doing the same thing over and over again. You might also
    think to yourself, “this is pointless, I’m not going to….[fill in the blank]” Well, this is where I’ve taken
    a thought from Dari. Some might say it’s a circle, but if you look at the path, it’s more like a spiral.
    Sometimes the spiral is wound so tight, that it overlaps, like a snakes coil, and other times there are leaps
    and bounds. But there is still motion. There is still progress towards the desire or outcome. But, only with
    a really good time machine do we ever see the progress. It never feels different at the time. You ask anyone
    in the process of change…ask a teenager, go ahead, ask them how there change is going? If the answer you get
    isn’t “F*&@# YOU” or “What are you talking about?” I’d be surprised.

    Thirdly, rinse and repeat. It might be an old school train of thought, in a way it is. But how often did you
    write, or read, or type over and over in school Even crappy typers can eventually type extremely well with 2
    fingers given enough time and practice. Musicians need that repetition, if not, there joints just won’t
    stretch the bridge of the guitar, or that octave and a bit stretch. If they don’t practice, they can’t focus
    on the melodies in their head during a song. Instead of being in the moment and enjoying the beauty that is
    coming from them, they are questioning, what’s the next note? Repetition can do magical things to people.
    However, repetition needs will power like no other. It’s hard sometimes to work on something everyday when
    there are so many other wonderful things to be doing.

    Most of all, there must be the emotional need. There must be a driver; a drive; a goal; an outcome. Something
    needs to point the way. And, when the article was proving that death wasn’t good enough, I was first taken
    aback. How could dying not be good enough? And the more I thought about it the more it made sense. Everyone
    dies. It inevitability makes for an impossible struggle. Whether it be 2 years or 20 years, it ( or they, if
    you’ve ever seen Dead Like Me ) will always catch up with you. There is no triumph. I bet that the people who
    made a change, found that driver. They didn’t change because they were running away from death, they changed
    because they wanted something from life. Something they wanted deep in there core. So what is it that you
    want from life? You’d be surprised at how much time, effort and clarity you get when you are working on
    something that means something to you.