Month: November 2008
Prank calls should be funny
I don’t find this “prank” call funny in the least. Prank calls are a difficult bit to sell. They are a fine line between funny, mean, and down-right “blah”.
Just becuase it’s Sarah Palin, doesn’t mean it’s a success. Tina Fey can do it…because…well…she talks, walks, and looks like her. She makes it funny. This on the other hand…?
Mind you, I don’t speak french, so that little french phrase might change my tune.
What do you think of it?
Deepest fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
Spoken by: Nelson Mandela
Written by: Miriam Williamson -
Avatar: The Renaissance Soul
I love cartoons. I don’t love every cartoon, but there is always at least one or two that peak my curiosity. Lately, the top on my list is Avatar: The Last Airbender. Yes, it’s now over, but even afterward, it’s still top of the list.
The premise is simple. Take a world where there are four nations: Earth, Air, Water Fire. In these nations there are those born who can mold the element or “Bend” it. But there is one, The Avatar, who can Bend all four.
There are loads of great lessons that come out of a 30 minute story. But today I made a connection. The Avatar is a Renaissance Soul ( or for some of you a generalist) . Here is a society that is built on specializing in one element. And here comes a single individual that is looked up in this world to be able to bend several elements.
Unlike the story, I think that we have thousands of Avatars walking our streets and roaming our world. They have in them the ability to bend more then elements. One might bend Music and Math; another Leadership and Sewing. The combination are endless. What can you bend?
I am Protennoia
I am Protennoia the Thought that dwells in the Light
She who exists before the All
I move in every creature
I am the invisible One within the All
I am perseption and Knoledge, uttering a Voice by means of Thought
I am the real Voice.Trimorphic Protennoia
(Triple-formed Primal Thought)