Month: November 2009
Sensuality for all
This ad is destined to become one of the most controversial of the year, and certainly both the advertiser (New Liaison Dangereuse) as the agency I make it (Glow) seek just that, because together sensuality, half-naked bodies and religion (for more worse, the Muslims), not made to go unnoticed
– via Ateneu Popular -
Self-Promotion for Introverts by Nancy Ancowitz
The world needs us, can’t live without us, and often doesn’t quite get us. However, we persist, mostly behind the scenes, quietly contributing to society—writing, creating, designing, researching, solving problems, and digging for treasures ancient and new. Are you one of us? If you’re more of a Warren Buffett than a Donald Trump, and more of a Greta Garbo than a Madonna, you’ve come to the right place. It’s time for you to stop hiding from the spotlight. Time to get recognized and compensated for your gifts. Rather than buying in to the common misconceptions about introverts, you’ll apply your quiet strengths to raise your visibility in a way that feels right for you. And guess what? You don’t have to brag. Not even remotely. You can promote yourself authentically without the ‘ick’ factor.”
Sometimes someone who looks like in extrovert is an introvert? Interesting perspective.