Month: December 2009
Chrome Features
Chrome Features (via googlechromeuk)
My dilemma
Branding has been my problem from day one.Passion has been my problem from day two.Routine has been my problem from day five, because I couldn’t think on day three and four so I decided to just walk around my living room, stare out the window, and down right do nothing. -
My dilemma
Branding has been my problem from day one.
Passion has been my problem from day two.
Routine has been my problem from day five, because I couldn’t think on day three and four so I decided to just walk around my living room, stare out the window, and down right do nothing.
via wayback machine
The CRTC wants to hear from you, only after they put you to sleep
The CRTC is asking for feedback around this whole fee-for-carriage debacle. The government is stepping in and asking them for a formal report behind why people are up in arms, kicking and screeming. The study is to figure out “whether local television stations should be able to charge cable and satellite companies for distributing their programs.”But first you have to watch this very scripted William… Shatner impersonation that… could be played… more… like a government answering… machine messageI commend you for trying to incorporate YouTube, but as system surrounded by broadcasters, I expected a little more.Links:Posted via email from ether+nick | Comment »