If you’ve got 2 ears and only 1 mouth, which do you think is more important?
Lately I haven’t had much need for my voice. No sharing or talking from most of my channels. But I have been listening. Listening a lot.
Asking all my life.
Lately I haven’t had much need for my voice. No sharing or talking from most of my channels. But I have been listening. Listening a lot.
Is he reading? Or… is someone behind you?
Here’s my first crack at the wedding playlist. No specific order yet, plus who knows what awesome songs will come out by June.
Smart billboard.
Ze “Jenniferz Poopz her Pantz at Partiez” is in zis!
Flula! Boom!
Who knew learning my Dad’s language could be so fun!
It’s odd to watch and not know exactly what… any yet still be enthralled. Amazing creations from Theo Jansen.
Yay! Even more talk about the introverts. Amazeballs! It’s needed in todays world, to talk about people that are thought to be 1/3 the population.
But what about this… Ambivert??
See that? Right in the middle?
There are no full set of rules, regardless of what articles say. But, if these are really the menus…
Then an ambivert could be Introvert 1,3,4 & 6, with Extrovert 2,7,8 & 10.
[ I think that’s more like me. FYI. In case you want to care. Thank you. ]
Who knew the stories we read as kids, might actually be true? Whaa!?
It’s now a scientific fact that if you think you can do it, you’re more likely to be able to do it.
“Psychologists Ulrich Weger and Stephen Loughnan recently asked two groups of people to answer questions. People in one group were told that before each question, the answer would be briefly flashed on their screens — too quickly to consciously perceive, but slow enough for their unconscious to take it in. The other group was told that the flashes simply signaled the next question. In fact, for both groups, a random string of letters, not the answers, was flashed. But, remarkably, the people who thought the answers were flashed did better on the test. Expecting to know the answers made people more likely to get the answers right.”
Why so sad Wolverine? It’s the collar, isn’t it?