Month: October 2020

  • 9,999 pieces of crap

    I like the way Tom Webster thinks. In his latest newsletter, he talks about the “fail forward” mentality.

    Here’s a phrase that’s used to promote failing fast

    Edison made 10,000 failed versions of the light bulb.

    Here’s what it should be

    Edison made 9,999 crappy lightbulbs and shipped 1.

  • #Movember 2020

    With this year being extra hard for mental health, decided to Reverse Mo. So I don’t freak out a small boy, I’m going to shave a little off every day in support. #movember

  • And we’re back

    Still in progress. History will come back.

    Update [2020-10-25]: ? History.

  • The WordPress Yo-Yo

    It’s that time again. Github and gitpages you’ve been great. But I’m lazy. Lazier than lazy lately.

    So it’s time to head on back to wordpress. I’ll be doing this slowly. So chances are, this site will flicker and flub, maybe even a blorp to a final kapow!

    Thanks for all the fish.

  • Mac Meet Ubuntu. Ubuntu Meet my old Mac.

    Take an old Mac (< 2013) wipe it clea and run ubuntu. Check.

    Giving new life to what could have been an old paper weight, awesome!

  • Don’t give what you “need”. Give what’s needed.

    Don’t give what you “need”. Give what’s needed.

    Hello, new-ish/old-ish medium look

    Would you look at that. Medium has rolled out it’s new-ish/old-ish layout. Very reminiscent of classic blog layout. Perfect for the simple, the irreverent, and the unimportant posts like this one.

    But sometimes that’s exactly what’s needed. Perhaps we didn’t “need” more. We didn’t “need” fancier. We didn’t “need” crazy layouts. Just scroll and read.

    Consider that when thinking about what you want to say. There’s what you think you “need” to say. What people think they “need” to read. And somewhere in the middle, is the magical, what’s needed.