Month: December 2024

  • Weeknotes 2024-12-27 +1

    Missed it by that much

    This week has been health and family first. The rest can wait.

    I’ve had several conversations over the course of the week that have me thinking about repackaging a couple idea’s into an upcoming post:

    • The Literaty – the idea that there will always be a deep underground group of active readers.
    • Proficiently Literate – that as the US drop below 50% proficiently literate, what’s going to happen?
    • The rise of government during the rise of literacy = the reduction of oligarchy as literacy rises. What happens in the other direction?
    • I want to learn more about serfdom. I have a feeling there’s something in there that has some parallels to what we’re seeing in the world. I just can’t put my finger on it.
  • Weeknotes 2024-12-20

    Make a mess clean a mess

    I tell my kids this all the time. This week I made the mess. Long story short, with Power Pages and Power Platform I was given the choice of “blue door” and “blue door” and I investigated, thought I experimented and when it came to click and squint…. I picked the wrong “blue”. 

    When doing so, it brought in a flood of things into the “solution” we didn’t want.

    Clean up was just as slow. Do you want to remove the purple thing or the purple thing. Luckily, I was able to find a way ( through a series of 4 clicks… over and over… ) which which was which.

    The Team Onion

    Read The Team Onion this week in search of more comms ideas for the day job. I bought it right before postal strike, I was the silly one who picked “regular mail”.

    I thought I would never read it, but today, I finally got the book!

    It’s one of these things that deceptively simple, but breaking down has some very interesting applications.

    Time to throw it against the company wall, and see if it sticks.

  • Weeknotes 2024-12-13

    Weeknotes 2024-12-13

    Rocky week. I’ve been suffering from Vertigo all week, for some strange reason. Sooo dizzy from it all! 🤢

    All my memories of the week have splashed out overboard from my brain so we’ve lost a few good souls on this weeks cruise.

    • I keep bugging work on Internal Communications. I feel like I’m screaming into the void at this moment.
    • Going to give the old Twenty Twenty Five theme a college try.
      • There’s a few things that don’t quite translate.
      • I’ve lost a bit of functionality and customizations. Where’s the custom css?
      • Do I really need to make a whole block plugin to prefix my name with a single character? That doesn’t seem right.
      • I feel like tinkering when I can.
    • Really thinking about ActivityPub, just no time…
      • Replacing Scrobble with something federated
      • Mixing MusicBrains with something federated
    • Trying to find tinker time, it’s just not top of the list… which is long… and now a bit rocky and flailing in the wind.

    Have a good week folks. I’m going to keep taking drugs and holding onto anything sturdy.

    Photo by ZENG YILI on Unsplash

  • Weeknotes 2024-12-06

    So long and that’s for all the follicles. That’s a wrap to Movember.

    This week I came across GitLab’s Handbook! How have I not seen this or read this before!? It’s amazing from an org comms perspective.

    I’m starting to see if I can make changes to the day job to veer this way. It’s gonna be tough, but I think worth it. Here’s some of the hurtles:

    • The team doesn’t default to share.
    • Git will probably not fly with most of the company – unlike at GitLab were if you don’t at least understand basic git, you have bigger problems.
      • Day job has SharePoint, but SharePoint? Can SharePoint work??? 🤷
        • Hint: I tinkered, and it might be possible.
        • We’ve got Microsoft 365 and I’m trying to champion the toolset. I’m a use-it-if-you-got-it, use-it-more-if-you’re-paying-for-it kinda guy.
    • We are all-remote, and prefer synchronous work
    • No one seems to write anything that comes across my desk at least.
    • Did I mention the team doesn’t default to share?
  • All gone – Thank you to everyone who donated!