I’ve done a few different methods to help give a year a barometer for success. Most years I’ve stuck with only 1 word. But I’ve always watched Chris Brogan’s 3 Words method – and I’m going to give it a shot this year.
For those curious to know more. Here’s the run down.
I’ve always struggled and consistently ask myself “Who is nick?” hence the domain name. This obsession with self-awareness and assessment perhaps has taken me out of the world instead of being in it.
I want to accept and just “be”. To “be” in the world. To “be” me and not try and justify, or assess, or ask why do I like all these different things, or try an make them fit into something. Just “be”.
Why not expose? Because that “d” at the end gives it a naked context.
To continue on the same path as “be,” not only do I want to accept myself, but I also want that person to participate in the world, and my self-censor is strong.
Maybe I need to be uncomfortable and raw in the world. Learn to have that small pang of fear with everything I do – like walking onto a stage.
No matter what. I am a creative person. Look back at all my projects and blogs. All the things I make. This is not just a reminder that I should “create”, but I should create no matter what’s going on in my life.
While I’m not going to make one of those “I will make something every day,” declarations, I am going to use this to strive for that. And if I can combine it with “Be” and “Exposed” – maybe something might happen.