I can see my office full of these!
If you’re a distributor in Canada, you’ll be happy to have their product.
Asking all my life.
I can see my office full of these!
If you’re a distributor in Canada, you’ll be happy to have their product.
If you play music I hope you’ve got some money in the bank
If you play music in a venue or parade or festival? Get ready for an invoice from the Canadian Government.
… the Copyright Board of Canada recently approved new fees to play recorded music at large gatherings, including weddings.
The fees – which also apply to events and venues such as parades, festivals, and karaoke bars – are being charged in an effort to protect and compensate performers and record labels for their work.
What’s more important to note
The new fees are retro-active to 2008, meaning people may receive a bill for an event they’ve thrown in the past.
Here’s an example if you run a night club ( assuming you’re only open 4 days a week ):
$55.52 x 4 x 52 = $11,548.16 / yr
Now – remember to times that by 4 years = $46,192.64
If you’re open more than that, I hope you’ve got roughly $70,000 in your account.
You’re a Media Network. You just might not know it yet.
Just a few tips I pulled out:
Ultimately Put Yourself Out There. And by “yourself” – I mean you.
Not a character or tammer version or a rock star version or your father or your favorite personality. Don’t emulate Gary or Emeril or Ellen or Horatio Caine.
If you try to be someone you’re not – people will smell the inauthenticity of it all.
The article I found says those are margarine containers? I guess our’s are different here in Canada.
Can you be serious for 30 seconds? I haven’t watched all of them yet, but my fave so far is “Leftovers”
There are way too many music video’s about Ionic & Covalent Bonds. Why is that?