• Crash

    I’ve been noticing something that’s been happening more often.

  • My Voice

    A little podcast to dip the toes back in the water and break the cobwebs away.

  • Countdown to Green

    I like to play a little game. I call it…Countdown to Green

    Here’s what you do:

    1. As your driving up to a red light, start counting down from 5 ( you can make it 6 or 7 if you like ).
    2. Make sure to count calmly, so that it’s a real second, not a pretend second.
    3. By the time you hit 0 the light will turn green.

    Will it? Really?

    Maybe. It works all the time for me. And every time it reminds me that I’m still at the steering wheel of my own life.

  • I don’t believe in Resolutions – give me a good Movie Score

    I’ve never been one for sitting down and making a list of things I want to accomplish. Reason being – 3 days in, the list has already changed.

    Originally my resolute friends said my lists were too generic like: “more exercise, eat healthier food, blog more”

    These were not concrete enough.

    The next year my list was “Go for 20 minute walks every lunch hour; have carrots for dinner on thursdays; blog Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays”. I heard a resolving “yes” from my friends.

    But then… I got bored.

    I like to call myself an ebb-and-flow-kinda-guy. Routine and I don’t really get along. So, you could imagine that these regiments didn’t make it past the first week.

    So now – I come up with a theme. Think of it like a musical score – and every scene I’m in, you can hear a Baritone Saxophone melody.

    Here’s some examples

    • I’ve had “Fire” to put some urgency in my life
    • I’ve done the “Snake” to help me shed some things ( snake skin, get it? )
    • I’ve used “Earth” to find solid ground.

    Think you’ve got it?

    So what am I going to do this year?

    I’m thinking either a “Stereo Speaker” or a “Care Bear”.

    Can you figure out why?

  • Smell Like a Monster

    “Smell Like a Monster” brought to you by the word “on”

    Source: https://www.youtube.com/

  • This bus breaks for no stereotypes

    On The Bus.
    Between Wiretap and Six Pixels
    I eavesdrop on two effeminate boys
    talking brawl in the “old days.”

    “We are the only generation
    where kids after us are tamer,”
    the one with the heavier lisp
    crosses his legs tightly.

    The emo pierced boy agrees;
    flails his hands in theatrical motion
    “Oh no! You’re going to tweet this!”
    He mocks imaginary aggressors with high pitched squeals.

    They continue to lament
    the feud of Sooke & Langford
    as if they were from the House of Capulet

  • I forget sometimes that this should be fun

    I was listening to Six Pixels of Separation #221, and then read Mitch’s 7 Things That Blogging Does – and then something connected with me. Something I realized that slips through the cracks every so often.

    Blogging = Exhaust Valve. A great Blog is great because the Blogger actually cares and loves to create content. If it’s forced, if it’s your “job,” then the passion rarely comes through. The biggest lesson I have learned in my seven years of Blogging is that this Blog is my exhaust valve. After working a full day with clients and their many challenges, this Blog is my playground. It’s the place where I can let off some textual steam. Make your Blog your exhaust valve. Caution: be careful that you’re not Blogging simply to blow off angry steam. The steam and exhaust I am talking about is the pent up energy of passion that I have from doing what I love to do.

    When life’s little pressures build up I shut down. What I should be doing is the exact opposite. I should write more. I should be free writing and puking up all that crap in the exhaust system, and putting it down on paper ( digital or other wise ).

    But Why Don’t I?

    Maybe it’s something about conservation of words. This idea that a word not seen by the outside world is a wasted jewel. But then again, am I really that arrogant and cocky?… don’t answer.

    Not A Resolution

    I have said many times in the past that I vow to change. But this isn’t a resolution or promise to myself. It’s more an interesting observation.