• Lonely Pedestal

    Wake up caged amongst the lost
    Walking through their world
    Look at the posters pointing
    The way not traveled has
    been traveled too much
    This world rich with illusion
    You think you’re found
    You think it’s wise
    To walk amongst the found
    is not travelling at all
    On a pedestal looking up
    In your caged Freedom
    I’m alive and drenched in
    the lonely
    The Lonely we are

  • Inspiration

    Tongue on tongue on
    Cheek to cheek
    Dripping with metaphors and
    thoughts; ideas
    With Intensity
    of sweat flying from
    Boxers Face
    Hit with the glove of

  • Ganesh

    Today I’ll portray a God
    Ganesh with arms & tusk wide
    Grasping tight
    In trunk a soul
    In hand the sky holding
    Over another with the world
    Leaving 2
    2 alone to do things daily
    Cleaning, dressing, eating
    2 alone with no guarded task
    No mission
    Today I’ll portray a Man

  • eNetworking isn’t for me

    So I’ve finally come to the conclusion that networking through the web isn’t a cup of tea for me. Matter of
    fact it isn’t even a cup of anything for me. I’m not in it. For me it’s too forced and not natural enough. I
    did go to one of the meet-ups but didn’t really get into it. I’m sure there are other meet-ups that are
    great, but right now in my life, not for me. So…the links are gone.

  • Bye Bye Poetry Page

    Like the music page, I’ve killed the poetry page. It really should be something more blog like.

  • Bye Bye Music Page

    I like the idea of having pages in WordPress, although, I’m not seeing any traffic to these. Probably because
    according to the stats, most of you are reading through my various feeds. So, if you’ve had the pleasure of
    hearing my stuff, great. If not, then feel free to take a listen.

    Note 2018-02-25: Links and source mp3s are missing. But I’ve outlined what’s missing. Hopefully I’ll be
    able to find these. I’d forgotten them too, and I’d like to here what I made.

    Something A Little Funky

    I like this little bass groove. It makes me dance. There is a section in it where I’m playing around, don’t
    worry you’ll here it


    this is a little vocal track I played with when I first got Pro Tools. Yeah! I made it for my answering
    machine. Unfortunately it never made it because it’s too long for the answering machine message. Damn Telus!


    A long time ago I had a program called Band-In-A-Box. It was pretty cool. You took a chord progression and it
    played the chart for you. It was great for making jazz charts. Too bad I can’t remember the progression for
    the life of me.

    Nick’s Ballad

    another take with Band-In-A-Box. Just a little on the slower side

    My First Garage Band Song

    What more can I say. I got Garage Band and this was the first song out the door.

    Something A Little Mellow

    I got myself I nice little midi-usb hook-up. And with some nice voices through Garage Band (yet again), I’m
    liking it.

    Ode to Fight Club

    I found a small voice clip from fight club. Thought it worked nicely.

  • Let’s try podcasting

    With the podcast bandwagon, I figure heck, I’ll jump on that! So, here is my first podcast. enjoy!

    2018-02-25: Link TBD. This is missing in the history of archives. I’m going to have to hunt it down.

  • And……done.

    Some 600 or so pages, some laughing and crying, I’m done the newest installment of Harry Potter. I’m starting
    to think that there is some sort of addiction there. I actually used up some bank time at work, so I could go
    home early to finish it…is that a problem? I guess the problem would be if I didn’t even call into work and
    just stayed home.

    Part of the homework from The Chrysalis is that we are to come up with 10 things that resonate
    and encourage our creativity and then do 3. The timing for the new book was almost kismet because 1 down and
    2 to go. Sure, I’m haven’t quite figured out what they are…I’ve still got 9 things besides reading to come
    up with…but, when I do, I’ll do 2 of them and homework done. i’ve only got, what, 3 days left to do them?

  • The Half-Blood Prince and I

    Yes, I’m one of the billions hooked on Harry Potter. And unlike those pretentious people who buy the “adult”
    cover books, I’m not afraid to admit it. When I first saw the photographic like covers on the shelves I was
    slightly disturbed. Isn’t there a phrase…hmm…let me think. It’s something about judging…and covers. I think
    this is very appropriate because it also has something to do with books. Now what was that phrase? Oh anyway,
    I’m once again delving my attention into J.K. Rowlings’ world.

    It’s funny really. I seem to have a very select handful of topics that I can actually read through without
    falling asleep: quantum physics, leadership and harry potter. Yeah…it baffles me too.

  • The Unconscious Machine

    “These sudden inspirations… never happen except after some day of voluntary effort which has appeared
    absolutely fruitless and whence nothing good seems to have come, where the way taken seems totally astray.
    These efforts then have not been as sterile as one thinks; they have set agoing the unconcious machine and
    without them it would not have moved and would have produced nothing.”