Author: Nick Kempinski

  • Magical homage

    An homage to the greats from Now You See Me 2

  • Sulder & McUlly


  • Peculiarity

    Tim Burton’s kind of heroes.

  • Lego Walls make Tactile Campaigns

    Take a look at ReThink‘s lego wall. This is awesome!


    If you think about the hop-skip-and-a-jump, it’s not much of a surprise that their campaigns involve a very tactile presence. i.e:

    • Molson Canadian Passport Fridge
    • A&W Back to the streets
    • Uber breathalyzer
    • Coast Capital Savings – where the wild things are puppet like costumes
    • Coors Light Slip and Slide
  • Cobra Command

    Russian architect Vasily Klyukin says he imagined a tower imitating a rising cobra, symbolizing wisdom, longevity and luck. I’m thinking, he may had had a dream of being Cobra Commander.


    via Fubiz

  • Fuck the Fancy

    It’s time to get back to basics. I think I was hiding behind the “design” – like being insecure in an awesome suit. You can fake it till you make it, sure. But I’ve been doing this long enough, That I shouldn’t have to fake it.

    And here we are, wordpress theme twenty-sixteen. No need to be fancy. It’s good. It does the job. It’s the content that matters, not how many fancy columns and boxes I put everything in.

  • BBC + R&D

    The closing credits are the best! TV + R&D sometimes it’s awkward, but always awesome!

  • The world of craft beer

    Canada’s #6 on the list. Nice work.


    As for that Olso question… just coming back from the airport… yes I did know that. This chart is deceptive. you think… hey, this will be cheap in conversion… afterall 1 NOK = roughly 0.15-0.18 CAD

    Nope. it was 105 Krone… do the math.


  • He’s on the quiet side

    Back from the honeymoon. And feeling silent. Not much tweeting, not much sharing. Sitting in a little cocoon, I think. I might be waiting, searching for something next. Not sure exactly what it is, but I know it’s stewing in the fallow.

    β€œThe life of a creator is not the only life nor perhaps the most interesting which a man leads. There is a time for play and a time for work, a time for creation and a time for lying fallow. And there is a time, glorious too in its own way, when one scarcely exists, when one is a complete void. I mean / when boredom seems the very stuff of life.”
    – Henry Miller