Author: Nick Kempinski

  • Deer Diary

    Apparently Day One has added a publishing tool. So that if I’m not carful, you can read my latest journal entries.

    “Dear Diary….”

    Nah – I don’t do that. An I’d be more careful than to hit “publish”, wouldn’t I?


  • Medieval Lip Sync

    Bad Lip Reading flashback. 16M+ views! Now that’s a movie!

  • A case of the Fuck Off’s

    I’ve got a case of the fuck off’s – and there’s nothing wrong with that.

    What’s probably not ideal is how I manage the people around me when I get them. My technique, as it stands right now, is do nothing. Don’t manage at all, don’t communicate; don’t acknowledge; don’t do. Everything around me goes into a shit storm and then I’m left with shattered relationships to clean up afterwards.

    I need a polite and mass way to tell people.

  • Make it Snow

    Tis the season. An oldie but a goody. “Make it so”


  • Transparent Ad

    Now that’s a transparent ad

    (via AdFreak)

  • 2 Ears vs 1 Mouth

    Creative commons image courtesy of Jam Project

    If you’ve got 2 ears and only 1 mouth, which do you think is more important?

    Lately I haven’t had much need for my voice. No sharing or talking from most of my channels. But I have been listening. Listening a lot.

  • Look behind you

    Is he reading? Or… is someone behind you?

  • Wedding Playlist

    Here’s my first crack at the wedding playlist. No specific order yet, plus who knows what awesome songs will come out by June.

  • Flula

    Ze “Jenniferz Poopz her Pantz at Partiez” is in zis!

    Flula! Boom!

    Who knew learning my Dad’s language could be so fun!