Damn! Bryan Cranston looks almost exactly like him.
Author: Nick Kempinski
Or he die
Now that’s the way to get to the point – and save’s someones life to boot.
Pitch Video Apology
Sorry friends & family, when we don’t get the job. But it was fun, right?
Fill the tank
I am fucking exhausted.
I’ve been going for too long, too many things on my plate, too many wrenches, too many curveballs, too much time away from my bed, too much stress.
But I don’t think that’s not why I’m drained. I think I’m this exhausted because I haven’t done a good enough job in filling the tank. Fuel is having fun, fuel is reading a good book, fuel is writing, fuel is drawing, fuel is music, fuel is a quiet coffee in the morning, fuel is no plans. Fuel is finding more fuel.
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8 bit daft funkness
8 bit daft funkness
Things aren’t supposed to last forever. I know, I know… we ( the cultural we ) want them to. But no matter how hard we fight, it’s not supposed to.
I’m liking this trend to delete what you’ve made. The most recent,twitterspirit. It reminds me of life: conversations I can’t remember, forgetting where I put my keys, enjoying a moment because it’s fleeting.
And in the fleeting – we take time to share, the time to learn. We make an effort to engage our memory. We pass down stories and skills. We teach our children. We create an impression, and that impression is what should last.
creative commons featured image courtesy of stuartpilbrow