The Hunt for a Github Editor

I’m liking this whoe micro blog in github thing. Only thing is, when not at a fully prepped system, or on the road it would be nice to edit. So I’m on the hunt.

This particular little post is using

Not too shabby – I like the presuggested file with date. Would have liked prefilled metadata – or something to help suggest ( let’s more honest – remember ) it.

ok. Hitting save – to see what happens.


The publish flag is a nice add on – but wasn’t visibile enough so had to take a second. And titles… not 100% sold on how those are working. Wasn’t as intuative. Still does the trick though.

update 2

So many updates before the blog is even published. You know that title thing that wasn’t intuative – well it wasn’t a title, it was a full filepath. so… really not intuative. Meta Data it is.