Learning to Network

This past week my Company of Friends Group was discussing aspects and thoughts towards Networking. Stewart Marshall has learned some great lessons and shared them with us, and the conversations that ensued were interesting and eye opening for me.

The best aspect I took from our conversations was the misplaced negative stereo-type people have created over the years about networking. I’m not exactly sure how and when this happened but I know I had this idea until this conversation. the term “Networking” for me conjured images of fake smiles and fake hand shakes. Giving your card out to thousands of people and knowing only 1% might actually keep it. I found myself surprised that concepts and principles in networking are the exact same I use to make friends. It all comes down to meeting new people, however we’ve found that we can do that, use it.

So as a learning and growing project, and being an internet person, I’ve decided to start linking in through various networking sites and to give them a try. I’ll be adding the Networking sub-category to my Business Category, and as I learn about these sites and explore, I’ll definitely be keeping everyone in the loop.

Side Note:: This also keeps in line with this new concept of chaos theory. New People = Unexpected = Chaos.