Move over info – let’s think big picture

Over the past few weeks, has been releasing teaser flash video’s of Lou, Jack and Marla. Well now we have text.

I’m interested to see where the blog goes, but so far, it looks very promising for any renaissance soul.

Co-founder Mark McGuinness, also of, takes a hard stance on the necessity for creatives and conceptual thinkers.

creativity isn’t a nice-to-have or a fun-to-do, it’s a matter of economic survival. Complex, challenging creative work is (so far) difficult to automate or outsource cheaply overseas. Creativity is what transforms utilitarian products into distinctive artifacts that are a pleasure to look at and a joy to use. It’s what makes people queue for days to get their hands on an iPhone, ignoring the clever friend who tells them they can get a “technically superior” alternative for half the price.