Squid-who? Squid-me. Squidoo.

As time progresses, I add in new tools. Lately del.icio.us has become the keeper of my bookmarks and last.fm the keeper of my music. I didn’t want to bog my own blog down with too many sources, but I figured some people might like to see all of this in one quick snapshot. So…bring in a new tool: Squidoo. My topic, simply me.

Right now I’m not that interesting…according to the stats, I’m ranked 11,706 3,442 (update: since I posted this I’ve shot up tremendously in rank. Yeah!) . So I encourage visitors. I don’t care to be 1 but maybe a 3 digit ranking like 400ish, would be nice. Want to get a snapshot of me? Visit my lens, http://www.squidoo.com/tumbleweed/