
  • Going Ghost Again is now running off

    Thought it was a good time to expand and play. Not many hosts are offering something
    relatively cheap to run node. I’ve been antsy to see how Ghost is doing
    in a real world context.

    As of now, my previous medium hosted publication,
    The aether, has been moved onto ghost.

  • Will my invention change the way we poop?

    Will my invention change the way we poop?

    And other important questions that aren’t being asked.

    Photo by Julien Maculan on Unsplash

    There is no question the iPhone changed every owner’s washroom regiment. We don’t need that pile of readers digests anymore.

    But did anyone see that happening?

    Probably not, no one can see it all. But did anyone think about the interaction like that?

    As the Internet of Things (IoT) advances and we put the internet in things like blinds and make new crazy things that never existed before, who is stopping to ask, or to teach to ask, what are the ecological ramifications?

    I’m sure they are asking what are some of the ramifications, after all every VC pitch needs to know “why” and even the risks. But I’m not 100% sure we’re looking at the whole picture of risks.

    Typer in Spelling Bee
    • Spelling Bee contestants are typing as the spell. Their brains are being hardwired to know the alphebet in 2 dimensions.
    • Kids are touching every glass like surface wondering why the pictures aren’t moving.
    • We are now talking to our computers like people: “Siri”, “OK Google”, “Hey Alexa”

    What else is being rewired?

    How we interact with our technology shapes us. Sure the technology itself is cool – but I honestly don’t know who’s really thinking about our future generations and how they will be shapped by these things.

    This post was originally published on one of my old blogs. I backdated this to the original publish date.

  • Class through media choices

    What if the future of class is media choices?

    • Those who can put the phone away.
    • Those who choose podcasts over video streams.
    • Those who still read long form articles.
    • Those who produce vs those that consume.
  • Sputnik Moments

    Two things I like about this article.

    One – Sputnik Moments

    In recent months, China has quietly given the United States a series
    of new Sputnik Moments

    Although a tad fear mongering, still very very cool phrase

    Two – Quantum Communications

    China successfully tested the world’s first quantum satellite
    communication – relying on the physics of quantum entanglement to send and
    receive provably secure messages.

    I beg your pardon? What did it just say? Quantum Satellite Communication

  • The value of information is immediacy

    The more we get comfortable in our information age, the more valuable it is for immediacy.

    Tidal uses immediacy with invested artists to get subscribers.

    Record labels leverage it in negotiations with Spotify.

    You want to watch Game of Thrones without spoilers? You’ve got to watch it sooner.
    Maybe you should pay for HBO.

  • Broke my phone, Stupid Rogers

    My iPhone 5C is dead.


    I thought we had lost it, but a friend saved it. Then in my excitment to tell the story of the saved iPhone,
    I chucked it across the room and now the screen is broken. Dead again

    Rogers now wants to charge me a stupid amount of money for not the newest iPhone 6…. ummmm?? What?

    So until I come up with either some $$ or another plan… it shall remain dead.

    Update: April 17, 2016

    Never go to a “franchise” location!

    Finally went to a real location, and while I didn’t get the latest 7. I got the SE for Free.

    Much better. Plus it fits in my 5C case perfectly

  • Watching Mastodon. Carefully.

    I want to sign up to one of the mastodon instances

    I Just can’t pick right now. It’s like registering for [insert absurd name here]
    Or using hotmail or yahoo for an aplication to any tech job. I feel it will be important soon.

    What’s really good is that Mastodon is the layer missing from Twitter. If twitter is the hum
    and churn of a busy street. Mastodon are the shops and cafe’s along the way. Pop in an out of
    mini communities all while being connected.

    I’m surprised more businesses haven’t spun any instances or communities up yet

  • Magical homage

    An homage to the greats from Now You See Me 2