
  • Weeknotes 2024-11-29

    Movember is coming to an end. Thank you to everyone whose donated.

    Let’s see…. this week 🤔… this week 🤔…

    • I used my todo list
    • Get new phone. I’m feel like the only person who won’t go big, sticking with the iPhone SE ( now 3rd gen )
    • New cell provider. It’s time. The old one was way to much. And I’m Canadian, so that’s way way way way too much.
    • Keep reading. Agile Conversations
    • Keep designing my life. Still hung on Odyssey plan. More an issue with making time at this point I think? My therapist might disagree.
  • Weeknotes 2024-11-22

    I’ll admit – I’m struggling a bit. Which is expected with the B-Day coming up. I spin into a well every year questioning everything, wondering where I’ve been and where I’m going.

    Was I the navigator I hoped for?

    Will I be next week?
    Probably not

    Am I ok with that?
    Meh 🤷

    Can I do anything about it?
    These weeknotes, listen to good music, love my kids, keep working on Designing my Life, movembering, general fun, playing with various fediverse sites

    Here’s an interesting idea
    Replace Scrobbling with something connected to ActivityPub. It can ingest Scrobble and then let you do more.

  • Weeknotes 2024-11-15

    I was not the captain this week. I was a deckhand being ordered about from bow to stern, trying to stay standing as the ship rocked heavily on the ocean.

    I dreamt for the next dock. The sound of the waves and wind are beautiful, but after too long is tinnitus that requires a long, long silent sit on dry and solid land to get reprieve.

    Maybe next week I can at least be the navigator I think to myself.

  • Weeknotes 2024-11-08

    • Movember is going strong.
      • Though I’m not sure if I have enough facial heir left for 22 more days. 🙀
    • Been going through Designing your life and I’m a bit stuck on the alternative lives exercise. Envisioning 5 years out is a tough one for me; always has been. When I break it down I don’t really think I even have 1 plan, let along 3.
    • 🐘 Lastly… oof. Glad I live somewhere else.
      • Here in Canada, it’s hard to culturally fight what’s happening. It spills over the border.
      • Though a friend said they were kinda glad that FB turned the news spigot off for us.
      • I’m working on a theory on how it ties back to Orality. I’m leaning towards a characteristic called “Situational over abstract”. You’ll find out more later.
  • Weeknotes 2024-11-01

    • It’s Movember! As a change junkie, it’s a great time for me to mix things up.
    • It’s also getting close to my b-day, so I tend to review everything I do, why I do it, what I want to do, what I like to do, what I… you get it.
    • Push for communicating at work
      • Started doing weeknotes on our internal sharepoint
      • Asking poignant questions like “What does it take for someone to change your mind?”
      • General poking the bear, up in everyone’s face saying “why aren’t you communicating!”
      • Fearful maybe they just aren’t communicating with me.
    • Getting back to my orality work
    • Spotify made the mistake of filtering my New Releases. I now only get a small, small, set of “handpicked” releases. Have they seen my varied listening habits? Mistake.
      • Hello YouTube music. What? You want to give me 2 Months free? Why ,thank you! I wasn’t sure about trying, but now I definately will.
      • And BTW, I kinda like it.
  • Weeknotes 2024-10-25

    This week I’ve really been digging into all thing Giles Turnbull: Weeknotes, The Agile comms handbook.

    So, per agile comms, when in doubt – weeknotes.

    I’m hoping to shake off my self censorship and silence. I default to “not saying” lately and I don’t like it. So, try something new, right?

    Also, I’ve been thinking a a lot about internal comms this week. Something I feel so passionately work should do something about it and fix. It’s something I’m willing to be fired for. I’ll keep going and pushing and fighting and trying. I’m going to trust that instinct.