Weeknotes 2024-11-01
- It’s Movember! As a change junkie, it’s a great time for me to mix things up.
- It’s also getting close to my b-day, so I tend to review everything I do, why I do it, what I want to do, what I like to do, what I… you get it.
- Push for communicating at work
- Started doing weeknotes on our internal sharepoint
- Asking poignant questions like “What does it take for someone to change your mind?”
- General poking the bear, up in everyone’s face saying “why aren’t you communicating!”
- Fearful maybe they just aren’t communicating with me.
- Getting back to my orality work
- Spotify made the mistake of filtering my New Releases. I now only get a small, small, set of “handpicked” releases. Have they seen my varied listening habits? Mistake.
- Hello YouTube music. What? You want to give me 2 Months free? Why ,thank you! I wasn’t sure about trying, but now I definately will.
- And BTW, I kinda like it.