So long and that’s for all the follicles. That’s a wrap to Movember.

This week I came across GitLab’s Handbook! How have I not seen this or read this before!? It’s amazing from an org comms perspective.
- overview the good and the bad of all-remote work
- odd pieces of personality
- other companies inspired by GitLab
- Head of Remote or Future of Work, is a pretty cool job title to aspire for.
- So much more goodies in there.
I’m starting to see if I can make changes to the day job to veer this way. It’s gonna be tough, but I think worth it. Here’s some of the hurtles:
- The team doesn’t default to share.
- Git will probably not fly with most of the company – unlike at GitLab were if you don’t at least understand basic git, you have bigger problems.
- Day job has SharePoint, but SharePoint? Can SharePoint work??? 🤷
- Hint: I tinkered, and it might be possible.
- We’ve got Microsoft 365 and I’m trying to champion the toolset. I’m a use-it-if-you-got-it, use-it-more-if-you’re-paying-for-it kinda guy.
- Day job has SharePoint, but SharePoint? Can SharePoint work??? 🤷
- We are all-remote, and prefer synchronous work
- No one seems to write anything that comes across my desk at least.
- Did I mention the team doesn’t default to share?