Make a mess clean a mess
I tell my kids this all the time. This week I made the mess. Long story short, with Power Pages and Power Platform I was given the choice of “blue door” and “blue door” and I investigated, thought I experimented and when it came to click and squint…. I picked the wrong “blue”.
When doing so, it brought in a flood of things into the “solution” we didn’t want.
Clean up was just as slow. Do you want to remove the purple thing or the purple thing. Luckily, I was able to find a way ( through a series of 4 clicks… over and over… ) which which was which.
The Team Onion
Read The Team Onion this week in search of more comms ideas for the day job. I bought it right before postal strike, I was the silly one who picked “regular mail”.
I thought I would never read it, but today, I finally got the book!
It’s one of these things that deceptively simple, but breaking down has some very interesting applications.
Time to throw it against the company wall, and see if it sticks.