Weeknotes 2025-02-22

Now with Shit Goggles!

I’m usually a happy-go-lucky look-on-the-bright-side-of-life kinda guy, but seems like not been so much.

My wife had to have a hard talk with me.

And now, boy oh boy do I hear it. The back handed comments, the “sure this is good, but….” amendments to every sentence.

So, what do I do? These things feel a little glued on right now. So I’m going to focus on the small things. The things I can change. I’m going to break a pattern or two, ever so slightly.

Breaking patterns, even the smallest pattern, by the fewest of moments, means you can change the big things.

It’s a twist on the classic making your bed speech.

Hold off on picking up your phone for 20seconds once in the morning, then tomorrow you can wait 22; then 30; then a minute; then 5; then 15; then 30; then an hour; then longer.

Go to bed 1 minute earlier.

Get up 10 minutes earlier

Sit on the opposite side of the couch.

Instead of doing X – try doing Y, just once a day.

And when my patterns can change, hopefully the shit can crack a little, and a little more until it rolls away, and I can get to that happy-go-lucky look-on-the-bright-side-of-life kinda guy.

Oh ya – and I was inspired by Derek Sivers’s now page so, I have one too now.