A very quick yet poignant post by Anita Sharpe
on Worthwhile entitled Let’s Hear it for the Overworked Brain surgeon.
It’s a great point about the necessity for down time. The necessity for a break.
When is too much? I’ve taken a look at the people around and it’s not just the
nine-to-fivers ( or should I call the seven-to-whatever-ers) that do it. I’ve been
noticing the worst culprits are the entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs naturally are
doing things that inspire them, that get their juices going. It’s easy to forget
about time and to be working when it’s something that lights a fire under you.
But I ask all of you self employed people out there…When was the last time you
had a weekend? When was the last time you took a day off?. I know that all of you
would easily come back to me full of excuses as to why. Full of reasoning that
you can’t afford not to. I say blah blah blah! If you keep it up…you’ll burn
out, and then nothing will get done. Which is worse?