Month: June 2006

  • Embrace the Dark

    No, this isn’t a post about wax voodoo dolls and needles.

    With the Ying there must be Yang. Both must exist. It’s been a lesson that has existed for thousands of years. There must be dark and light in each of us; there must be good and bad. Nature is full of examples. Here are just a couple:

    Owl, Scorpion, Snake, Vulture, Spider, Crow

    Each of these animals in one religion or another have gotten a bad rap. They are “evil” or the bringers of death. Watch out! But in fact, each of them have lessons we can learn from. Lessons we need to succeed. Maybe even excel.

    Take for example the act of “not caring”. The phrase in itself is difficult for some who have not embraced their dark. A simple act of not caring or even feeling indifferent to people can be a challenge. To people who want to be completely “good”, they might find themselves looking for a “win-win” outcome. They might go out of their way to accommodate others feelings, in turn, distorting the original vision. They could obsess over others feelings to the point where they take perfectly good energy away from the task at hand.

    Trying to be “good” comes from years of childhood training.

    “Treat others as you would be treated” – what about not treating them at all?

    “Be courteous to your neighbour” – what about the asshole downstairs who likes to blare rock opera?

    “Never speak before spoken to” – well how do I talk to someone who never talks to me?

    I’m not a fan of “good” and “bad” ( hence all the quotes ). Reason is because there is so much more to it. In the classical sense of “good”, one must be a drone or sheep. They must follow the herd and never look back. And if anyone wants a little lime light, a little success – they must turn around and walk the other way. Be the black sheep ( some say purple cow ). Embrace your dark.

  • Coffee the brainwasher

    Get it…wash? It’s a liquid! Get it?

    Not sure if this is a good thing or not. An article on states “Drinking coffee makes you more open-minded” and on one hand that’s a good thing. But then goes on to say, “Moderate doses of caffeine can also make you more easily convinced by arguments that go against your beliefs”


    It’s good to be open minded, but “easily convinced”? For someone who drinks it religiously and addictively, does that make me flexible or someone that can be walked over? Does that make me adjustable or a hindu cow? Am I addicted to the caffeine or the relaxed perspective it gives me?

    I know of some other substances that help people be open minded as well.

  • Business Lessons From Geekness

    Late last night watching the Season 1 finale of Stargate: Atlantis ( I said Geekness ), One of the characters, Dr McKay, was frustrated by the bull headed leaders.

    “They always say they don’t need the scientists until they need the scientists. By then it’s too late!” ( or something like that )

    It’s not just on T.V. It’s not just “the scientists”. You can replace that with just about anything. Give it a try.

    They always say they don’t need food until they need food. By then it’s too late!

    They always say they don’t need it until they need it. By then it’s too late!