Month: September 2010

  • I forget sometimes that this should be fun

    I was listening to Six Pixels of Separation #221, and then read Mitch’s 7 Things That Blogging Does – and then something connected with me. Something I realized that slips through the cracks every so often.

    Blogging = Exhaust Valve. A great Blog is great because the Blogger actually cares and loves to create content. If it’s forced, if it’s your “job,” then the passion rarely comes through. The biggest lesson I have learned in my seven years of Blogging is that this Blog is my exhaust valve. After working a full day with clients and their many challenges, this Blog is my playground. It’s the place where I can let off some textual steam. Make your Blog your exhaust valve. Caution: be careful that you’re not Blogging simply to blow off angry steam. The steam and exhaust I am talking about is the pent up energy of passion that I have from doing what I love to do.

    When life’s little pressures build up I shut down. What I should be doing is the exact opposite. I should write more. I should be free writing and puking up all that crap in the exhaust system, and putting it down on paper ( digital or other wise ).

    But Why Don’t I?

    Maybe it’s something about conservation of words. This idea that a word not seen by the outside world is a wasted jewel. But then again, am I really that arrogant and cocky?… don’t answer.

    Not A Resolution

    I have said many times in the past that I vow to change. But this isn’t a resolution or promise to myself. It’s more an interesting observation.

  • Mozilla Seabird Concept

    This looks pretty sweet. A really nice concept in mobile computing.


  • 2 Cards in One.

    I guess if a single card will hold multiple accounts, i should need to remember yet one more pin.


  • Brand you! Not Twitter. Not Facebook.

    I’ve been listening to and I heard something interesting “” and “


    This is a great way to put your stations brand first. As a bonus, if you didn’t snag the right twitter account name or facebook page name, your listeners don’t need to know.

    But now the nitty gritty: How do actually get it done?

    Consider this post a requirements document, or a detailed solution. Give it to the folks that manage your website, and they should be able to use at least one of these solutions

    The old HTML fake out

    Make two folders on your website called “twitter” and “facebook”. These should be in your home folder ( sometimes called html, sometimes called website, sometimes called, it all depends on your host ).

    Open a text editor, anyone will do, and copy the following code:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <title>Your Station on Twitter</title>
    <meta http-equiv="REFRESH"
    Get ready for some tweets!

    Replace and “Get ready for some tweets!” as you like.

    Save it as html

    Next, place it into the twitter folder.

    Edit the file again with your facebook address and maybe a nice facebook message like “Face this book!” (nah)


    And place it in your facebook folder.

    Blam! Done!

    Let the host do it for you.

    Some hosting companies actually provide you with redirect options in you website administration. If this is the case, it all depends on what they use. Sometimes it’s a homegrown program, and other times, it’s something else.

    Sign in and hunt for any variation of these terms: forward or, redirect.

    It could be under file management, but I’ve also seen it under domain management as well.

    When in doubt – pick up the horn and ask if they can do it.

    .htaccess – I always see it but never use it

    If you see this file, then you can do some nifty things. You’re going to want to download it, edit it, and then put it back where you fond it.

    Depending on what you’ve got running, when you open it in a text editor, there may already be some stuff. If that’s the case push it all down a line and add the following lines of code

    Redirect /twitter
    Redirect /facebook

    Of course, replace it with your facebook and twitter locations.

    Save it.

    Dump it back onto your host.

    But I’ve got programmers

    In that case, pick up the phone, or walk over and say “Make it so #1”. They might giggle a little. They may also call you Picard or Jean-Luc. When they do, just tug twice on the bottom of your shirt and walk away. ( this of course will loose all meaning if your on the phone )

    And then…

    No and then. That’s all I’ve got. You can take my word, or wikipedia’s word if mine isn’t good enough.

    I hope to see more stations using this method because it puts your station above twitter & facebook. Plus adding a quick “slash twitter” in the bit or sweep is a lot easier for the folks on the mic.

    If you come across any other solutions, I’d like to know. As always, the comment box is ready when you are.

  • The new

    The new video. I like it!
