• Squid-who? Squid-me. Squidoo.

    As time progresses, I add in new tools. Lately del.icio.us has become the keeper of my bookmarks and last.fm the keeper of my music. I didn’t want to bog my own blog down with too many sources, but I figured some people might like to see all of this in one quick snapshot. So…bring in a new tool: Squidoo. My topic, simply me.

    Right now I’m not that interesting…according to the stats, I’m ranked 11,706 3,442 (update: since I posted this I’ve shot up tremendously in rank. Yeah!) . So I encourage visitors. I don’t care to be 1 but maybe a 3 digit ranking like 400ish, would be nice. Want to get a snapshot of me? Visit my lens, http://www.squidoo.com/tumbleweed/

  • Last.fm

    Came across Last.fm because one morning I had a great Idea. “How ’bout a community website, where people can upload music and share them?” I thought to myself.
    Shortly after looking around I raised my fist in the air “Damn you!” Not only has this been done, it’s been done very well. So well in fact, that not shortly after, I made the biggest compliment. I gave money; not because someone called me begging, but because I felt it was a worthy cause.

    Check out my profile

  • Primal Passion

    I recently watch Grizzly Man with my Brother and Vanessa, I find myself in slight awe of Timothy Treadwells story. I believe what some see as one man’s struggle to be a Bear, is everyone’s struggle with life. The only difference between Timothy and Us, is he was willing to say it out loud and on film. “I will die…”

    Society around us, gives us the ability to cloud the truth. We have savings accounts and stocks, credit cards and mortgages, multi vitamins and fad diets: All saying, live for tomorrow. And in doing so they take away our power which is seeing the truth and the beauty of life which exists in each moment.

    For Timothy he was willing to die for the animals, for which he ultimately did. But imagine what could be accomplished if everyone found what they would die for. Now imagine what could be accomplished if we found what we would get fired for; loose our lover for; our trucks; our houses; our blood for. That is a passion that everyone should have.
    What would you get fired for?

  • Teachers Survive

    In my own search for coming to understand what a generalist is, I came across yet another definition for a versatilists. The idea coined from Gartner is that this “new” breed has the ability to bridge the gap between thinking and doing. “Versatilists, in contrast, apply depth of skill to a progressively widening scope of situations and experiences, gaining new competencies, building relationships, and assuming new roles.”

    At first thought I seemed intrigued by this word. However, the more I thought, the more I concluded all in all I think it’s a bad title for something that’s been around forever. What I realized is that a versatilists, or at least my understanding of it, is another fancy term for teacher. Everyday teachers go into a classroom and no matter who the audience is, whether 5 or 65, they have the constant battle and challenge to put things in context that can be understood. They have a talent for putting things into a perspective or light that wasn’t seen before. Teachers are found in more places then just the classroom. Teachers do not always stick to curriculum and tests. Teachers often know a lot more than they let on. Teachers know a lot more than just one topic. Teachers bridge the gap between concept and application. Teachers can do a lot more than just “teach”.

    This new term so far is focused primarily on the IT industry, and if you look at it in terms of a teacher, it makes sense. The gap in knowledge and culture between the doers and thinkers is so vast it makes the grand canyon look small. Programmers don’t understand marketing, and visa versa. The company I work for tries to use the all powerful Business Analyst, but these people just end up being isolated by both. So no wonder it would take a teacher who understands in depth the world of programming, to effectively “teach” and advise those who don’t know. This person can subtly educate the Board of Directors so they can truly understand the extent of a technology based proposal.
    With today’s abuse and lack of acknowledgement of the educational profession in the western world, these people with this talent need to survive. They sure as hell aren’t going to go into the classroom, so why not the boardroom. I say call these people who they really are and by a name that they should be proud of – call them Teachers.

  • Yearly Guide

    I’m not too big on the whole new year’s resolution thing. The idea of making a list and going through it one by one seems to constrained for me. Life, to me, needs flexibility. And so a few years ago I came up with the idea that I think has been doing good for me. It combines the focus for change, like the list, yet keeps it flexible. The idea crept up from my teachings of the native Spirit Guides. The Guide is an animal that embodies lessons that one should learn. Normally stumbled upon through meditation, observation or starvation, these guides are used as a focal point. How does the animal walk, sleep , talk, eat and generally live. By learning about these behaviours one can then take lessons for one’s own life. i.e. “cat’s sleep a lot and I hardly sleep at all and feel exhausted. Maybe I should sleep more” or “when snakes shed their skin it’s slow, and deliberate; often uncomfortable for the snake. So for my own personal transformation, I should keep these aspect in mind: slow, deliberate, and uncomfortable”.

    No one needs to have mystic forces choose a guide. No, you don’t need to starve yourself in a forest for days to find one. Matter of fact, my last years guide, the snake, was one I chose while driving in my car. It was was completely deliberate and logical. I knew that for the next year I wanted change – personal transformation, and so with some thought I came up with my guide for the year: the snake. To help I bought a necklace with a symbol for snake. It was my reminder when I looked in a mirror, what I wanted to learn. It was something to play with as I stared out thinking. It was used to focus my thoughts.

    This year, I’ve come up with my next guide: Fire. I stumbled upon the idea while looking at various personal horoscopes from different regions. I found that all of them are Fire signs: Ojibwa, Aztec, Chinese, Traditional Greek. Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire. And with some more though I realized that this would be a good focus for the year. Not as intentional as Snake, yet still powerful. So burn baby burn, bring on the fire.

  • Going 2.0

    The festivus and gatherings are quiet. I’ve somehow ended up in the office working away through the candy hangover. Why I’m supposed to be in the office for the next three days is a mystery however, the lack of people make it for nice catch-up time. I’m able to do all the dreaded paperwork and documentation and as an added bonus, I’ve been able to sneak in an upgrade of my site from WordPress 1.5 to the new and flashy 2.0, yeah!

    And now back to our quieter then normal programming…

  • Go fly a kite

    I don’t think the phrase is used much anymore….but if it picked up circulation again and someone said it to
    me,”nick, go fly a kite!”

    I can now say “o.k.”

    My  Kite

  • No Coffee Enlightenment

    Read an interesting post. Must be the lack of morning coffee and it might be my personal insight into jazz. I
    saw this quote

    “The humble improv”

    Now in turn it seems that I read the quote wrong. The quote is actually from Wynton Marsalis, “The humble
    improve“. However, what I thought the quote was is still true. The humble really do improv.

    In addition to Rajesh’s observation that: “If you lack humility, chances are that you think that you don’t
    need help and may not be OPEN to learning new things which in turn will limit your growth.”, being open to
    learning new things also means being open to falling flat on your ass. Learning is awkward and messy. There
    are times when we get it and fly and others we we bomb and die. In that way it is a lot like jazz improv.

  • You say “88″ and I say “Hello”

    Some call it bastardization; some call it social degradation. I call it evolution. Today I was reading an
    article about the internet savvy Chinese. They have adapted various puns when on the internet. Take ‘88′, to
    us english speaking crackers it’s just a number; even to the formal trained linguist of the orient, it’s a
    number. But not for the text messengers. It turns out ‘8′ is pronounced ba. So put two 8’s together and you
    get ba-ba. Sounds a lot like inky or winky ( or whatever the teletubbies names are) say goodbye right before
    jumping down their trippy little rabbit hole.

    I say good on them. It’s like vulgar language of the 60’s and like the ‘n’ word for Dave Chappelle and rap.
    It’s evolution, it’s word play. There has always been a verbal and written language. Take a look at Carmina
    . A bunch of young teens writing in the formal written
    verse about sex and drugs and alcohol (Gasp!) ? And Shakespeare inventing words that are still used to this day, oh my!

    People need to play with language, they need to experiment and try new things. Hell english alone is one of
    the choppiest, band-aide languages out there. And it’s evolving. And just because people are using it in
    internet slang doesn’t mean it will end up being formal. Do you think for a moment that the common folk of
    the late 1500’s – early 1600’s actually spoke like the play’s? No…but they understood, just like we do now.
    So I say good for them, and good for all of those out there that are pioneers and play with words.

  • Extraordinary about Ordinary

    An interesting point crept up yesterday in The Chrysalis that I had never thought before. I had just finished
    reading my homework, and everyone was taken aback. At the time of reading it, I was moven to shake and even a
    tear or two crept out. I guess, I to, was taken aback by the piece. But, there kicker of it all is while I
    was writing it, it was just something I did. I did not emote the same reactions as reading it nor did it
    really feel all that challenging. It seemed ordinary.

    It brought up an interesting point about our own personal reaction to ordinary. Ordinary are things that we
    know, and things we experience on a regular basis. So often we take things that align perfectly with who we
    are as ordinary. It’s like breathing and blinking, it’s so fundamental to your existence that you might not
    even notice it.

    I believe that everyone has something extraordinary in them, they just have to look for it. So often when I
    sit and look for mine, I’m thinking of things on the end of the spectrum, things that I don’t know yet or
    things I want to know. Those are necessary things to look at, but one can’t forget the in between; the
    ordinary. What are all the things you do in a day? What are the things that you do that come naturally? Maybe
    write an activity log for a few days and see what things are common, and seriously take a moment to look at
    them. Can any of these things be that passion, that extraordinary thing?