Author: Nick Kempinski

  • Time of the introvert

    It’s nice that introverts are getting more attention.

    In the recent slew was this one from the Huffington Post about signs of introverts. Here are the ones that most jumped out at me:

    • You go to parties -– but not to meet people.
    • Downtime doesn’t feel unproductive to you.
    • Giving a talk in front of 500 people is less stressful than having to mingle with those people afterwards.
    • When you get on the subway, you sit at the end of the bench — not in the middle.
    • You’re in a relationship with an extrovert.

    There are, of course, more that I connect with than others. And yes, one or two that I don’t think relate to me at all. Either way – sounds pretty damn close.

    While “Introvert” may or may not be groundbreaking anymore, keep in my this was originally written about a year ago in an old defunct blog of mine.
    I am blowing off the dust and giving this a new home.

    Creative commons featured image courtesy of roberttellier

  • A Confused Voice

    What is this “Confused Voice”?
    What is is; What is isn’t.

    Confused Voice? Does that mean you “hear” voices?

    No. I do not hear voices [ right now ]. This is about my personal voice, and being comfortable with who I am. If you want information about how to cope with hearing voices and how to manage, I suggest you look somewhere else

    So you’re “confused”?

    Yes. I am. I’m trying to figure out who I want to be. People who “know in their bones” who they are, and who they want to be, are mesmerizing. They are without apology or restraint. I want that. At certain points in my life, I thought I was getting there, I felt a strong certainty… then… it… faded. Life happened. I happened. Doubt. Confusion. Fear.

    What it’s all about.

    This is a form of shock therapy for me. I could write a personal journal, you know, the old fashioned way, where I swear and yell and scream with vowels and then hide the tattered pages under my bed. Not saying those pages aren’t there in the shadows, just, they aren’t helping. I need to say these things out loud in a crowded room. Not shy away. So it needs to be public.

    There will be fucking swearing. I struggle with censorship. Self censorship mostly, hence the tagline. It’s this little voice inside my head that says, “if you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t post it.” And generally it’s a great rule of thumb and works very well for my day job. But what’s ended up happening is slowly what I defined as “nice” ended up being “don’t offend” and “please everyone” — and there’s the problem. So there’s not going to be censoring — matter of fact ( more for my benefit than your’s )… elephant fucking, shit tard, cock nuggets, penis!! Done.

    I’ve done this several times in several ways — start, stop, start, stop, get distracted by something sparkly, forget, then it rots. I would love to say that I won’t do that again — but at least not today.

    Originally written about a year ago in an old defunct blog of mine.
    I am blowing off the dust and giving this a new home.

  • Human Powered

    The hover bike. Now the next, step – figuring out how to drive it. (via Co.Design)


  • I

    My heart is with Canada. via @threadless gift from @jenmanchester

  • I’m Alone But That’s Okay (Family Tree closing credits)

    I’m Alone But That’s Okay (Family Tree closing credits)

  • tomfoolery

    Glad they kept to the “tomfoolery” name

    (via Anchor)

  • Facepalm

    def Facepalm():

    (via gifluv)

  • Mind Blown

    Yes, yes it was

    Via (CodeSchool)

  • Prismatica

    A little script to convert latest Prismatic to RSS. Right now I’m playing to see if I can then pipe into IFTTT