“When I am the only one to notice a bug on friday night”
(via martinvalasek.com)
Asking all my life.
Cat Jump Fail with Music: Sail by AWOLNATION
Oddly relevant to how I’m feeling lately.
We should always remember our stories. My grandfather on The Memory Project
Caddisfly larvae build protective cases using materials found in their environment. Artist Hubert Duprat supplied them with gold leaf and precious stones. This is what they created.
What would you do with a personal projector?
A great story is like a great melody: it announces its inevitable greatness and you recognize it the first time you hear it.
Every Company Needs a Journalist
Forget the SEO, forget the keyword marketing, forget the rest of the mumbo-jumbo. Here’s the sentence you need to read.
[You need] someone who collects, writers, and distributes news and other information about the company, the industry, the customers, the local area – anything that has relevance…
You need someone to uncover stories.
They won’t fall in your lap. You need to ask the right questions with the right people for the right story. Only a journalist can do that.