Author: Nick Kempinski

  • 1.5 is alive

    Upgrade is complete. It’s taken a bit of tweaking, and playing but I’m now running WordPress 1.5. I think the biggest hurtle was my customized layout. Sure, the new version of the template system, is much more convenient to switch but, a pain if you have you’re own template. But, all in all, the features they’ve added are nice.

    While I was at it, I made some other changes I wanted to as well. You might notice some changes, or you might not. Regardless, here is a run down of what might be different

    • Calendar: this is my biggest peeve, but, it’s personal. I like Sunday – Saturday calendars. Well, this one isn’t. They say it has something to do with mySQL. I’m looking into that so I can get it back the way I want it.
    • Sidebar: the sidebar has a different order.
    • Single View: the new template system allows me to have different layouts for a single post view. So I’ve used it.
    • Feeds: this was for fun. I’ve fixed the “more” and the “next page” in the feeds. I’ve also added in category links.

    So that’s pretty much it. I’ve still got some minor things, like I just found out it doesn’t validate to XHTML, so I’m going to be working on that over the next little bit. But all in all, pretty good.

  • Redbull for your Creativity

    I feel incredible! I needed to yell that out into the virtual world. Why? This weekend I had the pleasure of being a child again. I went to camp. Yes Camp. It was like an intense condensed summer camp. All thanks to those at Creative Toolbox for the experience.
    The camp was called The Creative Camp Experience. and it live up to it’s name and more. It was a shmorgishborg of people with different knowledge and experiences, yet funnelled to the same goal of helping creativity.

    I did things I didn’t think I could; talk to people I didn’t think I would; felt things I haven’t felt; remembered things that were locked away. It was beautiful. Everywhere I turned their were connections. The first night, I found out that one of the owners grew up in the same town as me, and graduated from the same high-school. That might not be so surprising if we were in Guelph, Ontario, however we were in Chilliwack, BC.

    It helped me show that when I am tapping into my creativity, there are no coincidences or “chance” happenings. Somehow it all happens and turns out in a way you can’t explain. And along the way, there will be connections. There are a whack of meta-physical ways this could be explained. I’m not going to explain it like that. The best way is, “leap and the net will catch you”.

    If you get the opportunity to go to a camp organized by Creative Toolbox, I strongly suggest you go, and enjoy!

  • “It will be better”

    O.K. So I’ve taken a bit and I’ve pretty much started from scratch. I’ve decided to build it again…but, give me 10 day’s and I make good progress. The code behind the scenes is a little cleaner. I’ve still got lot’s to go, but at this rate, I should hopefully have something to actually be proud of by the end of this month. Who knew a little financial pressure would be such a good motivator…..

    Now, that all of that is said, i need some feedback. so if you could please answer this:

    • Which template do you like?
    • Does it make more sense to go right into the results rather then that first page?
    • Is it faster?
    • Could you navigate well?
    • Does the navigation even make sense?
    • Does the jump to form work?

    I’ve got loads more questions but these are just a few I could think of. Again, please feel free to post you feedback in the comments.

    Thank you!

  • Go without

    3 weeks ago I started a personal program called The Artist’s Way. I’ve known several people who’ve done it, and one year I even got the book as a gift. For years I think I’ve started and stopped little bit’s of it, but I haven’t really committed to doing it until now. I haven’t written anything about it yet but, I’m sure as time goes by I’ll probably mention more. After all I’m only on week 4.

    Anyway, the reason I’m writing about it this week, is because of an interesting exercise for the week. No reading, including t.v.. So, news aggregator is closed; msn off; email is … email is … off. Mind you ( bad me ), I’m going to do a periodic scan on subject’s for business only. ( I’ve hidden the message view so I actually have to double click to read the email. ( Coincidentally, I noticed Steve made a post about email reading and something similar to increase his productivity. ) )

    Although there is some difficulty in this exercise, it reminds me that every spiritual path ( at least that I know of, correct me if I’m wrong here ) has some period of depravation: The natives and their fasts; Christians and the whole Lent thing; periods of silence in pretty much every spiritual belief. It’s good to go without.

    • Build Character. “If I can do this, I can do anything!”
    • Removing Distraction. “Think of all the things I would do/think if I weren’t [ fill in the blank here ].”
    • Increase Appreciation. “After not [ again, fill in blank] for so long, it makes it so much better!”

    For me the best thing is removing the distraction. I am the master of distraction. I sometimes will do absolutely anything to squirm my way out of something. Sometimes, even something simple like going for coffee. When I was doing the 9-5 I could go for 8-12 cups in one day. Did I really need that much? No. It’s just that it took me 10 minutes at a time to do so. Did I go for 8 cups on a good day? Nope.

    So, my suggestion to you, is take a look at your day and see what you use to distract yourself from your own truth. Once you’ve figured it out…go without. See what happens.

  • Yes…Much Nicer

    So, since my last little break I’ve been building the site. Yes, PHP is much nicer for me. Although you can’t see it yet ( but don’t worry you will ) the progress is much nicer. In a matter of day’s I’ve made the same progress as a month previously. It has to do with my lack of perl knowledge of course, so there was a learning curve, but still. 1 week to 1 month? Why pay more?

    I’ve still got the question of how to manage the listings of course, but I’m putting something together to hopefully make it all work out. Any suggestions, feel free to post them.

  • Update to RSS/Atom

    For those of you reading my site using one of my handy dandy feeds, you’ll notice I’ve made a slight alteration. I’ve included the permalink, comment link and trackback.

    Over the next little bit I might be making some more alterations. I’m thinking maybe I’ll include things like the category info. I also noticed the the “more” link or “page” links don’t work if the post has them. So I might fix that.

    Any problems with any feed, just post a comment somewhere and I’ll work to try and fix it.

  • Improv Your Life

    When people call me a bullshitter, I take that as a compliment. I smile, and sometimes correct them and say I’m an improviser. Because really, where’s the difference? When I was younger I picked up a saxophone and immerse myself in jazz. I learned how to improvise and the power of if. It’s all about spontaneous thought. It’s all about putting an idea out there without any hesitation. It’s a small element of that unconscious computer that Malcolm Gladwell delves into with his book blink.

    Watch Who’s Line is it anyway?, listen to any jazz album and you’ll see/hear the beauty unfold. You’ll see a magical moment where things click. It all just comes together perfectly. Keith Johnstone, one of the improv theater founders, was quoted in blink to say “Good improvisers seem telepathic; everything looks pre-arranged.” Lines feed into lines, great moments seem to unfold in a wondrous way.

    Now, for a moment, imagine your life unfolding like this. Try to think about the potential that this kind of power it could have on your life – a series of moments that just seem to click. I believe anyone can tap into this, they just need to know how. And really it comes down to 3 simple intertwined rules

    1. Roll with it

    When 2 actors are improvising, the minute one rejects the thoughts or ideas of the other, the entire sketch is ruined. Jazz uses the same principle, only instead of rejecting the thoughts, if you reject the chords or the rhythm you get a train wreck of sound. The beauty as Johnstone says “…is because they accept all offers made.” If someone in the sketch say’s “Your arm needs amputating!” You don’t say “No it doesn’t.” You accept that fact and might say something like, “It’s the one you amputated last time.” Much more interesting.

    It’s a very common hurtle for new improvisers to fight. The idea that one needs to accept all offers, as Johnstone thinks, “…is something no ‘normal’ person would do.” But I believe that if you want to really tap into life, using this idea of improve, you must. It’s a critical element. So why is it that it’s so hard? One word: control. By rejecting someone else’s ideas, you’re trying to gain control. In essence you are stating “I’m the leader, not you.” The fight for power and control is definitely something that sociologists, psychologists and philosophers analyze over and over. It’s the alpha mentality: “I’m in control of my life.” But as many have pointed out, control is an illusion.

    I say “roll with it”. If someone say’s turn left, turn left. If traffic is slow, drive slower. If someone asks if you want to do something, say “sure”. When you don’t fight the world around you and roll with it, you’d be surprised at what can happen. I had a burger in the Bronx at 1 in the morning; Ended up in Halifax to have an entirely paid for trip, and was a part of the International Tattoo, pretending to play the tuba. I even ended up moving from Ontario to BC. I can’t say my life has been boring by any means.

    2. Nothing is “wrong”

    I hate it when I hear people say the word “wrong”. I remember having an argument with a friend of mine in high-school about the idea. It was of course before I embraced this concept myself. She was arguing that she was never wrong, she went on to say “1 + 1 = 4″. I of course jumped and said that she was wrong. So to prove her point we had a chat with our math teacher on this. And matter of fact, the teacher said, well, it was possible if you re-define what “1″ is. You could theoretically prove that 1+1=4. And by this admission of the teacher, I saw something. I wasn’t wrong in thinking 1+1=2 and she wasn’t wrong in saying 1+1=4. We both were right.

    So I really started to ask myself what is right and wrong? One of my answers is “It all depends on who you ask” If this concept is so subjective, how can it be a solid truth? To one person it’s wrong and to someone else it’s a breakthrough. To one person it’s funny and to someone else it’s cruel. One person thinks it sounds beautiful, and to another it’s crap. So why do we have terms like right and wrong in the first place? Again it comes down to the same reason why people have difficulty in “Rolling with it”.

    When you say “You’re wrong” it’s the exact thing as saying “No”. It’s a control issue. You’re trying to be alpha. You’re trying to gain control of you’re life. You’re trying to control the world around you so that it fit’s into your perceptions and control it.
    In the world of improv, there can’t be any wrong for the magic to happen. there can be dissonance and conflict, but that’s not “wrong”. These concepts are all subjective, it’s like listening to the difference between Thelonious Monk and Stan Getz. Dissonance will always turn to your idea of harmony and conflict will always turn to your idea of resolution if you just roll with it.

    3. Play with balls!!

    This is a great expression I picked up from a jazz director. When I first joined his jazz band, I was supposed to solo and I was pretty timid in what I played. He stopped the whole band and looked at me. I remember he was yelling “What’s wrong? Got something stuck in your horn?” As I was just learning at the time, I wasn’t confident in my playing. I told him that I didn’t know what I was playing. He looked at me and pointed to the empty auditorium behind us and said “Do you think any of these people really know what the fuck you’re supposed to be playing? It’s jazz! They don’t care! They’re stupid. It’s your job to tell them what you’re playing. You’ve got to play with balls! Play it like you mean it! You’re the musician and they aren’t! Tell them this is exactly what you’re supposed to be playing. Don’t back down. Hit the note, and play with balls!”

    He was a crass man; a vulgar man. But he taught me that you need to have confidence. You need to believe in yourself and what you are doing and saying. Which ties into the previous idea of “nothing is wrong”. If you can’t be wrong, then why would you be timid? Why would you stress out about what other people thought. And the funny thing I’ve learned, is when you say it confidently, no one questions it.

    Can’t Pick One

    Now the trick with these 3 rules is they all have to be used in conjunction. You can’t miss one of them. You can’t roll with it, and think something is wrong. You can’t be confident, and not roll with it. If one of these elements is missing in the process, then somehow it breaks down. It could sound o.k. The sketch could be amusing. But it’s not magic. It doesn’t “click”. They all rely on each other. They need to be in harmony for the spell to happen.

    I believe improv can conjure powerful forces to allow things to work and click. And if you use these in your daily life, things magically come together. The things you should be doing become the things you are doing. Life becomes a great adventure of new things and new revelations, and ultimately you might find the life you wanted to live becomes the life you are living.

  • Do-Overs

    I’ve just come out of a month of frustration, and I recently came to a conclusion

    I’m going to be combining an idea from Tom Peter’s called Wow, along with another simple philosophy called K.I.S.S.

    IF NO “WOW,” NO GO!
    Does “it” Pop?
    Does “it” Sparkle?
    Does “it” make you Grin?
    Is “it” … WOW?
    If “it” (grand or mundane) isnʼt WOW … re-do it! Or donʼt do it!
    This is … Your Day.
    Not “their” day.
    This Day belongs … ULTIMATELY … to You.
    Not “them.”
    Cubicle slaves Unite!
    Technicolor Titans rejoice!
    Throw off the shackles of Conformity!
    Just say/shout a throaty “No!” to Non-WOW!
    So …
    (No bull. This is do-able.)


    I’ve been finding that as time is going by I’m making this whole things way too complicated. And I’ve looked at it and thought, well, this is o.k. But not wow! and really that not fair to anyone now is it.

    I know the logo will be the same, after all, I just got business cards. I know that some of the layout elements will look the same, but I’m building it again from scratch. I’m pretty much throwing all the other stuff away. It’s not modular enough; it’s not expandable enough, it’s definitely not clean enough, and quite frankly, the code is complete crap. Let’s face it, I can get by with perl, but I’m no expert. So, I’m going to dumb the language down a little ( some would argue ) to php. It’s a little more like my realm.

    Sure, it’s a stupid thing for me to do, but as I said on my own blog, I’ve got the rest of my life left, I can afford to be stupid once in a while.

  • My Personality

    I guess what I thought was a bad week has trickled into another. I knew challenges would be ahead and I knew there would be storms, and right now I’m in a doozie. Things aren’t full of joy and roses and a matter of fact, nervous tension is starting to build as this endeavour is starting to drain the bank account.

    But, I’m not going to let that stop me from at least posting something to my blog. I can’t and I won’t. Blogging is great for the readers but even better for the blogger. It’s a great tool to push your own envelop. It keeps you looking and asking and searching for things. It helps me keep on my toes and regardless of what’s going on, everything I read I ask myself, “Is that something I should post about?” And if it could be I give is a shot.
    This morning I remembered that I haven’t done a personality test in a while. For me it’s a fun thing thing. I thought I needed it considering the troubles I’ve been having. I needed the break. I like to keep up with them, to see how I’m doing, if I’m still the same or if I’ve changed over time. So far I’ve found good tests at I personally like the Jung+Enneagram. So I did it. My results haven’t changed since last time, here they are.

    Jung Type: ENFP

    “Journalist”. Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.

    Enneagram: 9 sx/sp/so

    Type 1 Perfectionism |||| 20%
    Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||| 63%
    Type 3 Image Awareness |||||||||||||| 60%
    Type 4 Sensitivity |||||||||| 40%
    Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||||||| 73%
    Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||| 43%
    Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||| 60%
    Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||| 53%
    Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||||||| 90%

    Nines are calm, laid-back, and optimistic. They are able to see everyone’s point of view and have a natural desire for peace. Nines are effective mediators. Fearful of conflict and separation from others, they may be too accommodating.

    Your variant is sexual: sx/sp/so

    Overall, you score highest on assertive traits (sx), followed by withdrawn traits (sp), and lowest on complaint traits (so)

  • What My Brother Finds

    Just when I finish a post about today’s needed distraction, my brother sends me this. Now I’m going to be sining “It’s peanut butter jelly time!” for the next couple of days. Nice.