For those of us locked into only 60 channels of T.V. ( remember when there were 3? ) and especially in the
hick world of Canada, we are just starting to see the pleasures of Dead Like
Me. I saw the pilot on
Showcase the other day and then proceeded to rent most of the first season. There are several good things about the
- Great concept
- good scripts
- All the streets are Vancouver
Yup, good olde ( yes, with an e ) Vancouver. I was aware that Vancouver was becoming a nice little sci-fi
drama capital in the Television industry but lately everywhere I look, It’s Vancouver. And, unlike the
others, with this show, because it’s not supposed to be a planet far away, it makes the idea of Grim Reapers
among us all the more captivating. I find myself immersed just that little extra to say…”that guy died just
outside my office”