O.K. So I’ve taken a bit and I’ve pretty much started from scratch. I’ve decided to build it again…but, give me 10 day’s and I make good progress. The code behind the scenes is a little cleaner. I’ve still got lot’s to go, but at this rate, I should hopefully have something to actually be proud of by the end of this month. Who knew a little financial pressure would be such a good motivator…..
Now, that all of that is said, i need some feedback. so if you could please answer this:
- Which template do you like?
- Does it make more sense to go right into the results rather then that first page?
- Is it faster?
- Could you navigate well?
- Does the navigation even make sense?
- Does the jump to form work?
I’ve got loads more questions but these are just a few I could think of. Again, please feel free to post you feedback in the comments.
Thank you!