Sunday Check-In #7: Doin’ It

What a roller coaster week. I’m not exactly too sure where to begin. Well, let’s just start and see where it leads

Sunday Check-In #7: Doin’ It

What happened between Feb 9 – 15

What went well?

Connecting with people

I’m finally getting the point of connecting with people. Better people, good people, passionate people. And if you want some revitalization in whatever it is that you want to do, find them!

Just do it

I had an Interview with Margaret Lobenstine. Why? Because I could. How did I do it? I just did.

I’m kinda getting used to just going for it. And in comparison to last week, this is a great improvement. Something that James said in his comment.

You say you need to relieve the pressure. That is, you need to fix something. Something is broken. So I’m going to challenge you on that very point: You need to relieve the pressure, is this true? Can you be absolutely sure that it’s true?

Can you think of examples from your life where the following are true: “I don’t need to relieve the pressure”, “I need to keep the pressure”, “I need more pressure”. And yes, this is totally me stealing Byron Katie’s ideas but they help me so I figure why not spread the help around a little.

And it was a help. Because when I look back at my life, I’m always adding more. If you don’t, there is no growth.

Margaret had mentioned in the interview, Renaissance Souls love the learning! Love the growing process!

And growth needs to come from adding something to something else. Whether that be, knowledge; whether that be muscle or simply air in a balloon.

How do you add something? How do you grow? You soak in the sun and you just do it.

Add pressure.

What didn’t go well?

When things get tight, there is this mixed bag of feelings. On one hand, it sucks. But at the same time, I’m always reminded of 2 quotes

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

This too shall pass

James mentioned that one too ]

Is this one of those times? I don’t know. I do know it’s a challenge.

Is this really not going well? Maybe not. Only the outcome will tell.

What can I do better


[ Oh the debate on which word to use…I say faith. ]

I think it’s all come down to a period of time, when I should “Just do it”. And in the end, have faith that it will work out.

And Done.

And thanks again James!