• 100% Flash Magazine

    In my walk away, I came across this. 100% Flash Magazines Nice!

  • What are your myths?

    After reading the Massive Change
    site, I woke up to some interesting thoughts about society. I shared one on the
    site about Social Architecture
    and my other one is this.

    • Native myth and folklore teach values like communication and community
    • Greek mythology teaches things like free will and astrology
    • Viking stories teach values like exploration and battles

    Now look at their societies.

    If you look at these cultures, all of their core values are ingrained in their
    myths and stories. The largest religious revolution has one of the greatest
    collection of stories, The Bible.

    Take a loot at the United States. What are their myths and legends? Independence
    Day, The Civil War, The Wild West, all of these collection of stories are based
    around the fight to choose, the fight for freedom, the fight for money, the fight
    for oneself. It’s no wonder that it reflect in their social culture.

    Now how about Canada. What about us? Look at our Greatest Canadians.
    I see inventors, Socialists, Athletes. I think of things like the Montreal Expo. I
    think of stories like the underground railroad. Where did that lead to? Canada.
    Now look at our social culture in comparison.

    Now it’s the chicken and the egg thought. Do we choose these myths and legends
    because of our society, or is our society driven by these stories. I say that if
    we can introduce the right hero’s, the right legends and the right myths into our
    society we can effectively make change to its values.

    What are your myths?

  • Massive Change – The Thinknet

    Got my recent iconoculture
    in the mail. They had a piece about thinknets: cyber communities of thinktanks.
    In particular it referenced Massive Change
    which is striving to be one of these. Their forum
    has some interesting topics. I don’t think it’s at the super “thinktank” level
    yet, like the conscious city or anything like that, but it has good potential.
    I’m keeping a watch on it. Maybe make a post or 2.

  • Advertising In The Rain

    Now this is a great remix of “Singin’ In The Rain“, yet another example of great Volkswagen ads.

  • Networking Update 1

    O.k. So I’ve gone through the process of adding the links to my “Networking” section, on the left side. I’ve signed up to 3 different sites and I’ve been playing with how they work and what can be done.

    • Ecademy – Seems to be chalker block full of features and additions. You’ve got blogs and message boards, meetings and clubs but only if you can afford it. I’m still looking through it, but so far, nothing for the broke ( which is me ).
    • LinkedIn – It’s a friendster for business. You can search profiles, groups, experiences, business industries, anything that the users put up. And another bonus, it’s free. I’m connected to 1 person so far, woohoo!
    • MeetUp – This site’s purpose is a little different. Like LinkedIn, it’s free. They’ve got a small twist, its goal is to create physical networks. Sure they’ve got a message board but their strive is to make the face to face connections, which is scary but I think can be very beneficial. I’ve got my first meetup on Feb 10.

    Ultimately like real networking, it’s something that takes time an patience, so one week isn’t going to get me huge results. I’ll check in from time to time to let you know how the network grows.

  • Still Looking, Still Working

    Well, I’m still looking for finding ways to extract event data. If you’ve got any suggestions or sites to read, send them my way. At the same time, I’m now working on building out the advertising portion of the database and UI. This of course is needed if I want to make money, and well…I do need money to make the business go.

  • Lovin’ It Too Much

    Not only do companies have problems with translating things into foreign languages. But now slang is the problem too. Ha Ha, McDonalds! Takes their recent catch phrase “I’m lovin’ it!” to a whole new and disturbing level. Did I say Ha Ha?




  • Doris Day Does Dallas?

    It seems there was a mistake in a shipment of Doris Day DVD’s. The BBC reported, Sex movie mix-up shocks couple.

    Now here’s the kicker.

    The couple, regular attendees at their local Baptist church, settled down with a cup of tea to watch the 1957 musical… “My wife and I were very shocked but we watched it until the end because we couldn’t believe what we were seeing.”

    When people are in shock they’ll watch just about anything! This was a mistake, but just turn the T.V. on and you’ll see this kind of stuff happening intentionally.

  • Learning to Network

    This past week my Company of Friends Group was discussing aspects and thoughts towards Networking. Stewart Marshall has learned some great lessons and shared them with us, and the conversations that ensued were interesting and eye opening for me.

    The best aspect I took from our conversations was the misplaced negative stereo-type people have created over the years about networking. I’m not exactly sure how and when this happened but I know I had this idea until this conversation. the term “Networking” for me conjured images of fake smiles and fake hand shakes. Giving your card out to thousands of people and knowing only 1% might actually keep it. I found myself surprised that concepts and principles in networking are the exact same I use to make friends. It all comes down to meeting new people, however we’ve found that we can do that, use it.

    So as a learning and growing project, and being an internet person, I’ve decided to start linking in through various networking sites and to give them a try. I’ll be adding the Networking sub-category to my Business Category, and as I learn about these sites and explore, I’ll definitely be keeping everyone in the loop.

    Side Note:: This also keeps in line with this new concept of chaos theory. New People = Unexpected = Chaos.

  • Faster than a …

    …speeding cheetah? Here he comes to save the day!

    Update: There was a link. I removed it because it was a 404 and not even Wayback Machine has it