
  • Self-Promotion for Introverts by Nancy Ancowitz



    The world needs us, can’t live without us, and often doesn’t quite get us. However, we persist, mostly behind the scenes, quietly contributing to society—writing, creating, designing, researching, solving problems, and digging for treasures ancient and new. Are you one of us? If you’re more of a Warren Buffett than a Donald Trump, and more of a Greta Garbo than a Madonna, you’ve come to the right place. It’s time for you to stop hiding from the spotlight. Time to get recognized and compensated for your gifts. Rather than buying in to the common misconceptions about introverts, you’ll apply your quiet strengths to raise your visibility in a way that feels right for you. And guess what? You don’t have to brag. Not even remotely. You can promote yourself authentically without the ‘ick’ factor.”

    Sometimes someone who looks like in extrovert is an introvert? Interesting perspective.

  • Add Tweetmeme to Blogger templates

    I was trying to figure it out, and I found an answer.

    Click Expand Widget Templates and look for “<div class=‘post-header-line-1’>”

    After that it’s a matter of adding your tweetmeme and code, wherever you want it. The key is to set the url’s with <data:post.url/>.

    In this example I decided to float it, and switch the service to use, but you can do what you will. Here’s what I used.

    <div style="float:left; margin: 10px;"> <script type="text/javascript">'; tweetmeme_source = 'usedeverywhere'; tweetmeme_service = ''; // --></script> <script src="" type="text/javascript">var fbShare = { url: '', google_analytics: 'true' } // --></script> <script src=""></script> </div>

  • Kazoo fun!

    Kazoo fun!

    If you need to smile, win a kazoo!

  • Balanced News by Embracing Bias

    I had a thought in class for a newspaper. What if newspapers had two or more articles on the same topic, but from different perspectives? Would that be of any use? Would it change readership? Would embracing bias and showing both sides of the bias, counteract it?

    If not in the sense of traditional print media, then maybe a flag on google news that indicates, left wing, right wing or editorial? and maybe a view to see 2 articles side by side? On one side, the left wing, on the other, the right.

    Anyone up for wring an app like that? I’d be up for using it.

  • When the pressure is on

    When you have 100 [ not really, it just feels that way ] things on the go, when 20 people are hounding you, when all you golden plans are turning up smelling … not so rosie. How do you react?

    Be Honest.

    Do any of these suit you?

    Bring It


    The Good

    Simply put it, you shine. Call it a golden horseshoe, call it rising to the occasion. For some reason, you make it happen, in style. I picture you like Robert Redford in The Natural. Running round the bases with sparkles falling down around you – although pretty they are shards of hot glass from the stadium fields, and yet oddly, non hit you.

    The Bad

    You do it. You make it happen. But sure as hell the world will know your pain. EIther Walter Matthau or Jack Lemon kind of grumpy. Wether those around you laugh at your misery or cower in fear, is all up to you. The point is, you don’t like it. Not one bit.

    The Ugly

    Take the bad, which is understandable. Some might not like pressure. But for The Ugly, the pressure doesn’t like you. And the world explodes. You have tried to work under the gun, but you’ve learned that time and time again, when the pressure build, you break, it breaks. It just doesn’t work.

    The Shadow

    This one is in my opinion the more challenging. It’s basic fight or flight response, and you ain’t fightin’. You’ve stopped going out, stopped answering the phone, stopped the entire world. You’ll come out again eventually, but only when you’re sure not to see your shadow.

  • AirKast

    Mark gives a great tour of a great looking radio app from AirKast. Mind you I’m wondering if it’s an “app” or something else. A cross between app and website. Looked like a lot of navigation was through Safari …

    found via Hear 2.0

  • Gestural Interface

    found via Computerlove

    Anything can be a part of your media – even a wall.

    Throw out the term “media” and use “medium

    an intervening substance, as air, through which a force acts or an effect is produced.

  • What’s In A Name #2: your power

    After posting What’s in a name I read today this gem from Seth: What’s your super power?

    He reflects on the old comic when lesser superheroes would spout out their power in the first few seconds of talking. This set the stage.

    When you meet someone, you need to have a super power. If you don’t, you’re just another handshake. Don’t say, “Hi, I’m Don, I’m from Cleveland.” Instead, try, “Hi, I’m Don, I tell stories that spread.” It’s not about touting yourself or coming on too strong. It’s about making the introduction meaningful. If I don’t know your superpower, then I don’t know how you can help me (or I can help you).

    But how does this reflect for Renaissance folk? “Hi I’m Nick and I’m a poet, designer, database consultant, web programmer, radio broadcaster, I’m a problem solver, and troubleshooter. I’m an idea man and big picture thinker….”

    um…. maybe not so much

    “Hi I’m Nick and I’m a Renaissance man”

    maybe a little generic? [ I’ll think about this some more, maybe try out a few out loud. In a mirror? ]

    Now, Superman doesn’t need do it, but if he did:

    “Hi I’m Superman and I run faster then a speeding bullet, leap tall building in a single bound, oh ya, I fly now. I can hear anything, have x-ray vision [ insert super sized breath ] shoot fire from my eyes, have a super big lung capacity which can blow you to the moon of freeze you cold, and… right, my skin is impenetrable. ”


    “Hi, I’m Superman” [ His name really does say it all doesn’t it ]

    So in the end…where are you with what’s in a name?