
  • Everything in it’s right place.

    I have a new place to lay my head at night. It’s very close to my new nephew. Which is a plus.

    Almost everything is in disarray with boxes scattered. The kitchen is unpacked for necessity, but I know that where I put the dishes and spices, isn’t the right place. In the living room, My relaxing chair is accessibly, but has a bit of a gauntlet to get to it, which I do twice a day.

    However, what isn’t unfinished is my office. I’ve never had an office in my home. I’ve never had a place so close to go to work. My home office used to be the relaxing chair. You can picture how difficult it was to actually get things done, when the same chair you fall asleep in when watching movies, is the same chair you need to be alert and productive in.

    I knew this, but what else was I to do? The place I did my work, was the same room as my living room, was the same place as my dinning room.

    I have now untapped something I didn’t think possible. I’m productive, and very focused! When they ( don’t know who…google only shows radiohead ) said “everything in it’s right place”, was this what they were talking about?

    Do you have a corner of the world were you work? Where you call your office? If not, and you are in a pinch, learn from my mistake, do not make it the same place you do leisurely activities. The urge to relax always wins. Maybe call your office Starbucks or a nice local coffee/pie shop. Maybe your office could be a park bench or even consider renting a workspace. It’s worth it!

  • tethered line

    today i weaved a tethered line
    from foot to mind.
    with bait and hook, i wrenched it back.
    an awesome sight.

    scaled appendage, in air to breath,
    writhing and shining in the sun.
    it fought for comfort of a biding sea,
    whose tide have made it home to me

    how frightened and scared?
    the pain from hook inside
    pulling and raging, so odd.
    with resilient strife

    i heaved some more. in time,
    the bound creature lay
    peaceful in my craft
    and thankful for the path

  • Californication

    Vulgar, crass, but so far Californication is entertaining. I think David Duchovny, is good at self deprecating, sad-man roles.


  • What’s up with facebook?

    What’s up with facebook?

  • Horoscopes: Entertainment or advise?

    Astrology is a mixed bag of entertainment and advise. There are those that make these statements that pretty much apply to almost anyone: “You will find something you thought was lost.” So, when you think you’ve lost your key’s and find them again, WOW!

    So, why do I even read them?

    Sometimes I just need a laugh and a moment of escape. It’s like reading the bus signs on the way to school — you know they won’t be any good, but at least it’s something to do.

    Other times, I need something that let’s me know I’m not completely loosing it. But for these times, I don’t just flip open 24 or The Metro.

    Introduce, Rob Brezsny. Not only are his horoscopes entertaining buy they’ve got a rare insight and perspective I don’t see anywhere else. Take this week for example:


    Here’s the first thing you need to know about the current state of your destiny: “Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night.” That message comes to you from poet Rainer Maria Rilke. Here’s the second piece of wisdom you should take with you everywhere you go. It’s from Vladimir Nabokov: “For aren’t you and I gods? Let all of life be an unfettered howl. Release life’s rapture. Everything is blooming. Everything is flying. Everything is screaming. Laughter. Running.”

    Is this right? Well, I’ll leave that for my own craziness. But, just to let you know, I think it is.

    Take a look at his site, If he doesn’t get it right, at least you’ll have a good moment of escape.

  • Remember the simple things

    When I feel the pressure building up I get tunnel vision. I kick into gear and focus on one task at a time. But the longer I have that kind of focus, the more I loose the grand picture. “Why am I doing … ?”, “What’s the point in … ?” You get the idea.

    But last week, while scrounging for pennies and food money, a friend reminded me that eggs and potatoes are cheap. Yes they are!

    I brought home the groceries and then made some hash browns and poached eggs. I love hash browns and poached eggs!

    The minute I sat down with my plate and cut into the eggs, the yellow yokes all runny tasty good. I smiled and for a moment the blinders lifted. The tunnel vision went away and I had a reprieve. I took a big breath. Who knew something so simple could be so powerful for stress relief?

    So, do you need a good poached egg? Is there something you might be over looking? A simple pleasure, a simple act, a simple thing that you might be overlooking that could make all the difference?

  • An ode to matter-of-fact

    This is an ode to matter of fact, in fact,
    a poem like evidentiary stone and stat.

    For one plus one is two, not three,
    nor four or five, not twelve, indeed.
    Yet, far from mathematic postulations
    a soft and chewy sap awaits you.

    A fact — In core of belly it sits and stays
    your course along a rocky plain or
    maybe through clear, already trodden path
    your feet, no matter, will eat their grass.

    And if along the way that path does stray,
    your course, with force of will,
    shall tumble trees and shatter shale.
    What makes this “matter of fact” is inner still

    “It is what is”, a need, a must,
    a “way it goes.” It thrusts
    from nock to tip, the target knows.
    Your life in sight, to loose, is right.

    Some may ask “what is”, “what might”
    You disregard their shallow sight.
    Can light escape universal grip?
    Do elk or emu fret and flick?

    I am what I am, no ands ifs or buts.
    I do what I do, no quips or bumps.
    Like one and one is two not fifteen
    I do what I do, matter of fact, I’m me.

  • Citizenship

    If countries put as much effort into Citizenship as Companies put into performance reviews, maybe there would be 100% citizen participation.

    Canada needs an HR department.

    I’ve been talking with classmates who don’t get the point of Goals setting and value statements. All the stuff that every corporate machine goes through: Annual review, quarterly updates with your manager, progress reports. Everything that connects the employee’s to the business.

    Then the tough occurred, that all these tools are to connect each employee and “try” to make them “care” and participate in the company. What if tax time was more then “taxes”. What if it was also a performance review of citizenship?

    What are your goals as a citizen?
    Have you succeeded in meeting those goals?

    Maybe based on our goals and the success of helping the countries goals, each citizen could get a bonus?

    Maybe some sort of success multiplier?

  • You have the power

    You have the power to climax meandering dramas that have been resistant to closure; you can find resolution where everyone said there could only be messy ambiguity.

    Sagittarius Horoscope