Author: Nick Kempinski

  • Outcome of values

    Sitting down and figuring out your values, assessing them and ranking them is definitely an interesting activity. Not one to go through everyday, but definitely a tool to help you in the right direction. So the outcome is:


    1. Self-Understanding
    2. Inner-Peace
    3. Creativity
    4. Success
    5. Love
    6. Intimacy

    It took some time to even get this far. Originally my list was huge, but most of it was synonyms. Now the tricky part, if I’m going to be an entrepreneur, then I need to skew these a little. Look where “Success” is! That’s definitely not where it needs to be. And where is “Health” in there? I don’t even have it on my radar, which it should be. So….


    1. Success
    2. Creativity
    3. Health
    4. Love
    5. Intimacy
    6. Inner-Peace
    7. Self-Understanding
  • Oops, I forgot to have playtime!

    Read an interesting post on Curt Rosengren’s blog about the need to play: Play your way to your best work.

    The idea that “work is called work for a reason” and that “work isn’t meant to be fun” is so deeply entrenched in our collective cultural psyche that it actually ends up being a big roadblock for many when they look at pursuing their passions.

    It is also, of course, complete nonsense. The only thing that committing to a life of work as a four letter word will do will be to slowly, bit by bit, drain away both your energy and your productivity. A career filled with fun and meaning, on the other hand, can unleash the amazing potential we all have.

    I’ve been going through this little energy drain myself. It started to come out in my previous post. Nothing blatant but when you’re having fun, why do you need a trick at all? You see, here I am trying to find ways to “work” when in fact, maybe, I should be finding ways to “play”.

    So, thanks Curt for not only giving me a little reminder of things lost, but also introducing me to Bernie DeKoven. I think I’m going to take his site for a quick stroll.

  • Micro Mac’s

    And they do it again. Apple is on an incredible ride

    • iPod Shuffle
    • Mac mini

    They are finding incredible ways to bring everything to your fingertips, on you fingertips. Nice!

  • Where is Nick? What’s he doing?

    O.k. O.k. As some of my friends have pointed out to me, what good is a blog if you don’t use it. It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything here. I kind of put little blinders on and focused completely on working and nothing about actually letting people know what’s going on. Half the fun about blogging is letting people know what’s going on and the discussions. So, when I found out how nice WordPress was, I thought, perfect! So here we go.

    I’ve been talking about when I should have something up and running for people to see and play with. But I keep coming back and saying to myself it’s not ready. And at the same time, I’m looking around and everyone has there site in beta, which was a plan that I’ve been thinking of doing. But I’ve dropped that idea from my radar. I’m either going to have a site or not. I’m either going to show people what I’m doing or not. I came across a nice quote which was a great kick in the butt.

    You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.

    So, I’m going to change that. And I’m going to prove myself that I’m actually going forward.

  • Tricking The Mind

    Today I bought a watch. For the average person, it’s not a big deal. Everyone buys watches all the time. But for me it’s a big thing. You see I haven’t worn a watch for 10 years, maybe more. There is a reason I don’t wear a watch, but this morning I decided to turn that reason into something positive. So, here’s the deal why. When I wear a watch I become anal. It’s not a characteristic I use often. I like to pride myself on being care free. But since starting my own thing, being my own boss, my carefree go lucky attitude is a little detrimental. It’s time to lock down and pucker up to get things done.

    I’ve spoken with several people about the tricks we play to get into the swing of self-employment work. For some it’s shoes, others it’s following a morning ritual. Some I’ve spoken with swear that if they dress as if they are seeing a client, they feel that they are at work, regardless of the real environment. Me, I’m choosing my watch. When the watch is on, I’m at work. And when the watch is off, I’m not. Talk about being on the clock.

  • Anyone else?

    Came across a nice application of Google Suggest-like drop down. Take a look and this dictionary.

    However it does make me a little urked. Not friken mad, but mildly concerned. Because when Google does it, the world follows suit. Why? There code isn’t out in left field. This isn’t a ground breaker by far. Turn off javascript and it’s broken. It makes me wonder if they are they really built this from scratch, or has google just jumped on the regurgitation bandwagon. Sure, it could have been them. They are, after all, a bunch of smart cookies, but common. So, I’ll ask my question out to the universe, who did it first? And while you’re at the act of answering, maybe you could answer who’s doing it better?

  • How does time fly?

    It’s a simple and complicated question. Simple to the fact of asking; complex in the regards of answering. To each person time flies in different ways. For some, it’s a matter of mood. There are theories that when you are happiest time flies the quickest, yet I’ve heard the exact opposite from others. Some I’ve spoken with believe it to be a complete and utter random occurrence, and others believe that the perception of time is only a choice. So really, it’s all in how you see it. Time is a guideline that from the time of birth we are told exists. I think it’s like the hypothesis, that everyone sees the same colour differently. We all say that green is green, but if you could see using your friends’ brain, would green be purple? It’s the notion that our brains have adapted to its environment and to its lessons. Each body is different and so each brain controls it differently. It’s like driving a new car, it’s the same, you go from A to Z on wheels and in a straight line, but the interior and handling are always different…

    Nuts (2018-02-21): I can’t seem to find the rest of this post. I’ll keep digging to find the other side of that ellipse

  • They Like Me. They Really Really Like Me

    I don’t know who they are, but I’m sending out a nice thank you to the 3 people who thought my collection of poems were good enough to purchase. Sure it’s been a couple of months since I submitted 4 copies, but considering the competition on the shelves I’m pretty stoked about that. So to the universe I scream, thank you!

    I have a thought that’s purple
    Well, it’s more purple with orange swirls
    It’s kinda Happy
    It’s kinda Angry
    It’s like daisies in the spring
    and Bears in the winter

  • So, Where’s The Wiki?

    Well I thought it was time for another change. I’m always on the lookout for new things. I go back and forth from wiki to blog to wiki tp blog again. Well this time I think I’m going to stick with the blog, at least for my main stuff. Sure, I’m keeping the wiki, it’s just not at the beginning. I’m even giving it it’s own address soon (

    Now there are countless reasons for me going back to the blog world, here are just a few of them

    1. Categories – categorizing isn’t that hard in the wiki format, it’s just for how I wanted my bliki to look and function. It would mean spending countless ours getting up to speed and trying to make the format and code work. Why do it when the wheel has already been invented.
    2. Layout – trying to get the layout in my head, online while keeping to the conforms and code of the wiki, well, it just wasn’t matching. Again, Why do it when the wheel has already been invented.
      Comments – sure with a wiki people can add their own comments, but it’s just not as nice as with blogging software.
    3. WordPress – enter wordpress. I’be been looking around for a blogging solution to what I want, plus one that’s expandable with my skills. Introducing WordPress. They seem to have it all, plus I can hosting it on my own hosting. Easy Peasy!

    With the categorization I should be able to put more organization into whatever posts I’m doing. Who knows, with any time I might actually have some readership? Here’s a start to the new year!

  • Moinmoin Days 20041210

    Just coding coding coding. Keep coding coding coding. That seems to be the only thing I’m doing lately. It takes thousands upon thousands of lines of code to get to the point where I want to be. It’s like a mountain climber looking at a mountain that’s just that little bit too high. This kind of mountain is definitely going to need the rope.
    They say to expand your self by biting off more then you can chew. You need to shoot for the stars because if you only shoot for the end of the road you will always get there and never have to try new things to do so. Well I’m starting to feel the frustration of shooting for the stars. My little project of course is taking longer…way longer then I ever anticipated, but it’s baby steps. The sad thing is I don’t even have anything in the outside world to show my progress. Oh well, I’ll get there.

    Mind you out of all of this turmoil I’ve come to the conclusion that apache mod_rewrite is the coolest thing in the whole wide world. I haven’t even begun and I’m only at the tip of the iceberg, but if you get a chance, give it a shot.